The word ‘transformation’ suggests two states of being: then, and now.
There’s the ‘before’, and then the ‘after’. One has negative connotations, the other positive. A transformation also suggests singular event, a rapid change, a shift so dramatic that you are considered brand new afterwards.
But when you consider a gender transformation, none of these rules apply. It isn’t about one, single change – it’s a lifelong journey. To be trans isn’t to be one gender or the other, but to select your own, individual place on the massive spectrum of male and female that exists in the world. Your place will be like no one else’s, but will be the perfect fit for you.
Saddening, then, to witness the world in a flurry over Caitlyn Jenner’s announcement of her gender reassignment surgery. A lifetime of transformation, whittled down to one (very personal) physical adjustment. Jenner apparently reveals her sex change operation in her new memoir The Secrets Of My Life. According to RadarOnline, she allegedly writes, “The surgery was a success, and I feel not only wonderful but liberated.”
Jenner, who announced she was transgender in 2015, apparently underwent the surgery in January. In the book, she is reported to say her penis “has no special gifts or use for me other than what I have said before, the ability to take a whiz in the woods,” adding that, “I just want to have all the right parts. I am also tired of tucking the damn thing in all the time.”
It was a surprising admission from Jenner, who – despite finding fame later in life as a reality TV star – was previously unwilling to discuss gender reassignment surgery.