
Why buddymoons are fast becoming the latest bridal trend.


Would you want your best mates to crash your honeymoon?

For some of us, that would be a nightmare. But surprisingly, so-called “buddymoons” are becoming more and more popular with couples.

The idea behind buddymoons is simple. Basically, couples opt to bring their friends with them on their honeymoon, either to cut costs by splitting bills, or just to keep the wedding festivities going for longer.

Buddymoons - would you take one?

According to Travelex, buddymoons are quickly moving in on the traditional honeymoon.

The company claims that one fifth of people have now "honeymooned" with their friends, more than 50 per cent of couples would happily buddymoon in order to save money, and that Dubai was the most popular buddymoon destination.

And celebrities have also jumped on board. Ricki-Lee Coulter, Jennifer Aniston and Alicia Keys are just some of the high-profile newlyweds who have taken their besties along with them on their honeymoon.

When you think about it, it does make sense. For starters, destination weddings are getting more and more common, so it's only natural for guests who have travelled overseas for the wedding to stay on and holiday with the happy couple post-nuptials.

Ricki-Lee Coulter, Jennifer Aniston and Alicia Keys are just some of the high-profile newlyweds who have taken their besties along with them on their honeymoon. Image via iStock.

Couples are also co-habiting for longer before tying the knot and marrying later in life, so the traditional idea of the honeymoon as a sex-fest is somewhat passé.

Then there's the financial benefit of splitting the costs of accommodation and tours between a group rather than the one couple.

They're all convincing arguments - but we're guessing having your mates tag along might kill the romance, somehow...

Would you ever take a buddymoon?

TAP on the image below and scroll through our gallery of popular honeymoon destinations...

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