This breastfeeding photo is designed to shock – and for once it’s a good thing.
Where did you eat your dinner last night?
At the table with your kids? On a stool at the kitchen bench? Did you sneakily graze at it balanced on your knee while watching TV or did you park yourself down on the toilet and dig in?
Shocked? Why? Don’t you eat your dinner while propped up on the loo? And if not, why not?
In all honesty it’s a fairly confronting thought, isn’t it? But that is just the image from an Israeli mother of two that has gone viral over the past week.
Tamar Shugert entered her photo in an online competition with the challenge “Make a Statement” – and she certainly did.
She juxtaposed a photo of a nursing mother (Shugert herself) sitting on the toilet while breastfeeding her baby, with a man (who happened to be Shugert’s husband) tucking into a bowl of pasta in the cubicle next to her.
Her caption: “If you are not willing to eat your lunch in the bathroom, then don’t expect me to feed my kid there”.
The startling portrayal quickly went viral with thousands of likes – and was instantaneously picked up by media across the world.
Shugert told USA Today that her two sons are older now – and the image was actually just a teddy bear under a feeding cloth.
She says that she herself was never forced to use a bathroom when nursing her sons, but that she had heard stories from friends who had.