
5 secret ways to beat the winter sniffle this year.


This week, it finally happened.



This week, it finally happened.

Temperatures dropped. A chill appeared in the air. Spare doonas were dragged out of cupboards and spare jumpers were unpacked from their vacuum-sealed bags. Hot chocolate was nursed between chilly fingers and beanies finally appeared on heads.

Winter arrived. And with it came a little sniffle and a sore throat for me.

I love so many things about winter except for the sickness it often brings. More time spent indoors means more germs spreading and those germs seem to LOVE me.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Go Vita. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

I am not one of those people who get sick once every four years. Every year, I seem to contract some kind of death cold that finds my chest and decides to take up residence there forever.

This year, I’ve set off on a quest to collect as many methods as possible to prevent me from getting sick. And I’ll also be spreading the wisdom amongst my family and friends in the hope that we will all become the kind of people who just never get sick.

I consulted Ann Cattelan, Go Vita Health Specialist, biochemist and health writer. She’s a big believer in natural health and was happy to give me some tips to share with all of you.

Essentially, it’s all about keeping your immunity in tip-top shape so that you’re unlikely to pick up the first virus that comes along when you’re out and about.

So here we go:

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your immunity.

1. Sleep!

According to Ann, sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your immunity.

“Researchers at the University of California have discovered that without sufficient sleep, the number and effectiveness of immune cells decreases,” she told me.

Really, this is an excellent excuse for avoiding the wintery weather outside and curling up by the heater with a warm blanket. Just make sure you’re going to bed at a reasonable hour and clocking up at least eight hours every night. I know you might be busy, but try your hardest to make sleep a priority.

2. Take olive leaf every day

Olive leaf is the best-kept secret of healthy people. It’s something I didn’t catch on to until very recently, and now that I know about it, I’m hanging on to it for dear life.

According to Ann, when taken daily, olive leaf “helps reduce the risk and incidence of upper respiratory tract infections”. This is because it contains oleuropein, an antioxidant/anti-inflammatory/antimicrobial/antiviral/generally amazing compound.

Oh, and if that’s not enough for you – it also has cardio protective qualities that help your heart. Bonus!

3. Make garlic your friend

Believe it or not, your old friend garlic has a whole lot of benefits when it comes to your health. A British study found that volunteers taking a daily garlic supplement had 63 per cent fewer colds than those not taking garlic.


Ann tells me that there are a few ways you can incorporate more garlic into your life if you’re not a huge garlic-eater. “I’m a fan of the popular folk remedy of chewing on a chopped garlic clove every day,” she tells me. “Although it’s not for the faint hearted, you might prefer taking an odour-free garlic supplement instead.”

Meet your new friend vitamin C

4. Vitamin C is also your friend

Like garlic, Vitamin C is a winner when it comes to supporting your immune system. If you do catch a cold, Vitamin C is known to reduce the severity and duration of the cold. I like buying the chewable tablets and keeping them by the front door so I can grab a couple as I leave the house.

5. Curl up with a cuppa

If you love a cup of tea, you’re onto a good thing. Tea can do wonders in helping boost your immunity. Oh, and it’s amazing to drink on a particularly cold winter’s day.

According to Ann, you’re best to go for:

– Chamomile tea – useful in treating hay fever and inflammation. It also has curative and preventative properties for illness and helps promote good health.
– White tea – boosts immunity, is loaded with antioxidants and is even anti-carcinogenic.
– Green tea – has high levels of antioxidants that help with improving immunity.

And in the wake of the chill in the air, here’s some ecards you may be able to relate to…

What are your tricks for avoiding colds during winter?


NutriVital Olive Leaf 3500 contains oleuropein which has antioxidant activity that may help normal healthy immune function. You can purchase a bottle of NutriVital Olive Leaf at your local Go Vita health shop. 

Go Vita health shops: At Go Vita, we are passionate about your health and vitality because we know, if you are healthy and well, you can enjoy your life to the full! Visit any one of our 147 health shops across Australia and you will find a diverse range of products to help meet your winter health needs. At every Go Vita health shop, there are trained health specialists that can give personalised health advice for your own specific needs.

Present this coupon at your local Go Vita health shop for 30% off RRP of NutriVital Olive Leaf:

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