Last week I decided to behave like a grown up, so I went to my GP for a proper, old school check-up.
It was about more than simply having my blood pressure and cholesterol checked. It was about getting real and finding out exactly what lies ahead for me health wise. I am, after all, on the Super Highway to 50. And while in my head I’m still 24 years old and obsessing over Bailey Salinger on Party of Five, the harsh reality is that I’m 42 and ¾.
Suddenly I’m in the “mammograms are recommended” age group.
Suddenly I’m having to dye my hair waaaaaaaaaay more often than I ever did before.
Suddenly I have friends talking to me about hot flashes and being perimenopausal.
Suddenly, jumping on trampolines/sneezing/doing a cardio class at the gym can end BADLY.
(Look, let’s call a spade a spade. There’s less wheeeeee! And more wee).
Welcome to middle age. Fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be a bumpy flight.
Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by PeriCoach. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.
But my GP (who has the looks of Hilary Clinton and the bluntness of, well, Hilary Clinton) ever so politely told me to GET A GRIP. Ageing is a privilege. And my job? To be proactive, to take the lead in looking after my own health and to make fabulous decisions for my body so that I’m around for another 42 years (at a minimum).
So with that in mind, here are 6 things you might not have realised happen to your body when you get older – and some positive things you can do to help take care of yourself. After all, you’re the only you there is. Better look after her.