Yo. When you lay down on the beach or by the pool, do your hip bones stick out enough that your bikini bottoms are slightly lifted causing a gap between them and your lower abdomen?
Yeah ha, you read that correctly.
If you answered ‘yes’ to that question then congratulations! You have attained a ‘bikini bridge’ and your pony will be arriving in the mail any day now.
This is a thing now. I’m not kidding.
I have been lead to believe that the ‘bikini bridge’ is the next “thigh gap”. What’s a thigh gap? Don’t worry about it, the thigh gap is so 2013.
This is why we can’t have nice things humanity!
If you are considering dieting to acquire a bikini bridge – don’t.
If you are naturally thin and have one – I just don’t care.
If you don’t have one – see above.
To tell you the truth, I am a little disappointed the bikini bridge is the best someone could come up with to follow on from the thigh gap. Like what has happened to the Anchorman franchise with that terrible sequel – I can’t even talk about that situation yet.
I can think of at least three equally pointless things we can do to compare ourselves to other women that shit on the thigh gap and the bikini bridge.
For instance, the Pittboob. Women who have breastfeed will have a distinct advantage here. Lay on your back bra-less and allow gravity to do it’s thing. Do your boobs fall far enough apart that you can comfortably tuck them under your armpits? They do?! Congratulations – you have achieved Pittboob.
While we are in the chestal region, why not try Musical Nips? Tweak your nipples, grab a couple of CDs and see if you can successfully hang them off both of your breasts. If your nipples are not exactly the right size, you will find this one quite a challenge. If you can’t do it, I would look into some nippleplasty yesterday.