
The 5 absolute best yoga apps for time-strapped folks.

I love yoga. It was the (fitness) love of my 20s. Most days, I would stroll up to my local yoga studio for a 90-minute class, then once we were all Savasana-ed out, I would take my sweet, sweet time getting dressed while chatting to my fellow yogis. We might even go out for breakfast afterwards.

And now? 

Ha! I’m currently serving time to a (very cute) toddler. I do not have three hours, five days a week, to dedicate to yoga practice.

Try this 5-minute hip stretch sequence. Post continues below.

Video via Gochlo Pilates.

My optimistic self is hoping I’ll be able to reconnect with my love of yoga once I’m out of camel mode (read this excellent piece by Laura Jackel to understand this particular parenting life stage). But, until then, doing yoga at home will do. And the shorter the session, the better: 15-minute classes are now my jam.

Ahead, to celebrate The International Day of Yoga, here are some of the best yoga apps on my list for an at-home session.

Humming Puppy On Demand, $20 per month.


In my pre-baby, pre-pandemic life, I used to love going to the Hummy Puppy studio in Sydney’s Redfern where they practise yoga with a “Hum” soundscape that they say “mimics the grounding vibrations of the earth”. 

Yes, it all sounds very woo, and I can’t confirm the science behind it, but I can confirm it creates such a calming vibe. When the pandemic hit, they created an online version of their in-class offering, and it’s the next best thing to being in their studio.

Apple Fitness+, $14.99 per month.

All the Apple Fitness+ trainers doing yoga. Image: Supplied.


I’ve been using this app on and off for the past few years now. It offers a great mix of workouts, from cycling and HIIT sessions to yoga, plus instructors who are so encouraging, they feel like they’re in the room with you. 

I tend to add the 10-minute yoga sessions to the end of my workouts (an excellent idea I stole from Jay Blahnik, Apple's head of fitness, when I interviewed him last year) as it’s the only way I can fit yoga in. 


My favourite yoga instructor is Jonelle (pictured above during the Beyoncé: Fitness+ Artist Spotlight) whose music selection is always spot-on. 

On that note, if you’re a yoga purist, this might not be the app for you. Because you could find yourself doing warrior pose with Madonna, Miley or an R’n’B banger (do I sound old?) in the background. I personally find it fun.

Acero Drip, $24.99 per month.

Acero Drip yoga instructor Alyna Rost. Image: Supplied.


I haven’t had a chance to trial this app by Acero founder, celebrity trainer Jono Castano, but I have trained with Jono in person, and my god, was it intense! I did a 12-week strength program with him last year, and by the end, I could deadlift double the weight I could at the start. 

Heading up yoga on this app is Alyna Rost, a former ballerina, who also leads the Pilates classes. I recommend this app for those of you who want to do yoga to complement weight training.

Kic, $19.49 per month.

Kic yoga instructor Jamie Strathairn with Laura Henshaw. Image: Supplied.


If you’re a mum-to-be or new mum, Kic offers pregnancy-friendly yoga and Pilates masterclasses and a postnatal program called Kic Bump. Or, if you’re a runner, looking to help prevent injury, their mini-yoga flows were designed with you in mind (in fact, co-founder and qualified trainer Laura Henshaw is a keen runner and leads Kic’s treadmill workouts, too). 

Kaaiaa, $40 per month.


Created by kundalini yoga teacher Leah Simmons, Kaaiaa offers workouts that focus on four pillars of health: mental (using breath work), physical (using bodywork), emotional (meditation), and spiritual (integration). 

I haven’t yet had a chance to give this one a go, but they’re offering a whole month of free online classes as part of Alive July, if you want to check it out.

Is there a yoga app that you love that we (read: I) need to try? Let us know in the comments below. 

Feature image: Instagram + Supplied + Mamamia.

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