
How to eat your way to great skin.

Natural Instinct
Thanks to our brand partner, Natural Instinct

Add these five foods to your trolley during your next shop.

They say “you are what you eat” – meaning that if you eat well, it will show.

One of the most obvious areas influenced by a good diet is your skin – your skin alone is proof that what you put into your body really does show on the outside. So it’s worth knowing what exactly you should incorporate into your diet to give you glowing, luminous, Hollywood-worthy skin.

Here’s our top picks of the best (and easiest) foods to add to your daily menu in the quest for gorgeous and radiant skin.

1. Avocado.

Avocadoes are rich in antioxidants which help to fight free radicals and combat skin damage caused by the environment. Not only that, but they have an abundance of essential vitamins (importantly vitamins C and E) and fatty acids, both of which are essential to healthy-looking skin.

Avos are easy to incorporate into your diet. Smear some on sandwiches instead of butter or have some avocado and fresh lemon on toast in the morning. Simple.

Want more avo goodness? Check out Natural Instinct’s Silky Hydrating Body Lotion, which boasts avocado as a key ingredient.

2. Green Tea.

Green tea is filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which makes it perfect for people suffering from acne and those concerned about the signs of ageing.


Plus, sitting down for a cup of green tea is a fantastic way to de-stress during the day without resorting to multiple coffees.

And green tea’s not just for drinking – it’s also used in products like Natural Instinct’s Hydrating Cleansing Facial Wipes.

3. Quinoa.

Quinoa has well and truly enjoyed an increase in popularity in the last few years and it’s not hard to see why. Along with many other health related benefits, quinoa contains high levels of amino acids, manganese and copper, all of which are known as being effective antioxidants.

Quinoa also contains lysine, a synthesis of collagen and elastin which can assist in skin healing and scar tissue. Quinoa works perfectly in salads and cereals.

best foods for good skin
Quinoa pear salad with spinach, cranberries and pecan. Image via iStock.

4. Ginger.

Ginger has been praised for hundreds of years for its many health benefits – one of which being good skin. This is primarily due to the high levels of antioxidants which protect the skin against ageing and environmental damage.

Additionally, the antiseptic properties in ginger make it ideal for acne sufferers and those experiencing inflammation.

You can see ginger’s awesomeness in action with Natural Instinct’s Uplifting Lemon Grass & Ginkgo Body Wash.

5. Cranberry.

Cranberry is a fantastic addition to anyone’s diet if they are not keen on super sweet juices, but still want the health benefits that juicing provides. In fact, cranberry juice (without the sugar) is one of the best juice options out there due to its high levels of vitamin C and free radical fighting properties.

Not only that, but cranberries can also be used topically as a replacement for skin toner to remove excess oils and to unclog congested pores.

best foods for good skin
“Cranberries can also be used topically as a replacement for skin toner.” Image via iStock.

Voila – five foods that all taste amazing, and can all be easily incorporated into your regular diet.

And trust me – your skin will thank you for it. Big time.



Do you struggle with skin issues, or a bad diet?


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