
The world's best health and fitness app has been announced.



It’s official. The world’s top health and fitness app has been announced.

It’s called Glow and it was invented by Max Levchin, a web entrepreneur that’s best-known for his work on Paypal.

Glow is a brilliant app for anyone who wants to get pregnant – or, incidentally, anyone who DOESN’T want to get pregnant. It stores data such as your body temperature and menstrual cycles and tracks your ovulation. It also tells you when your chances of conceiving are boosted or minimised.

There’s one other really cool thing about Glow. It has a crowd-funding aspect where you can donate money each month; after 10 months, the money is split between all the couples who aren’t pregnant yet. Clever.

Glow won the title of best mobile app at the 2014 Webby Awards, which is essentially the Oscars for IT/technology people.

It was up against four other apps, each of which are seriously clever in one way or another.

To choose the top five apps, thousands of web experts sifted through 12,000 entries from all over the world – both Arianna Huffington and Kevin Spacey helped too. Take a look at the other apps, which very nearly won the title:

And just because sharing is caring, I’ve included some other awesome health and fitness apps that are doing the rounds.

If you download any of the below, your health and fitness will instantly improve. You will immediately develop an insatiable thirst for green smoothies and you will always want to go for a run, even after a 15-hour work day.

Okay… not really. But there are some genius app ideas here:

What are your favourite health and fitness apps?

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