
The baby photo shoot that went horribly wrong.

For photographer Gigi O’dea, baby Asher was one of the happiest babies she had every photographed. She captured 34 adorable smiley images of the bub with his parents Mark and Shayna Resnick.

According to O’dea, this is unheard of.

But there was only a particular image Asher’s parents were after. O’dea said, “They really wanted a special image where they could showcase baby Asher with the dad’s wing tattoo on his back. They were very committed to making it happen.”

Asher and dad. (Image supplied)

Yet babies can be unpredictable. So after smiling and cooperating for so long, Asher simply couldn't do it any longer and dropped a bomb.

A poo bomb.

"We had been joking about the possibility from the time they came to be photographed. Knowing that Asher would be naked on dad, we there was a high probability that it could get messy. I guess we never imagined just how messy it could be," O'dea continued.

Asher after his accident. (Image supplied)

"The only thing that makes it even better is the fact that Asher pooped on dad not only once, but twice and then proceeded to pee and spit up on him. I just love it when dads are the target in these mishaps," O'dea said.

We happen to find it quite hilarious too.

How did you baby behave when they had their first photo shoot?

You can see more of Gigi's work at Memory Portraits by Gigi. You can also follow Memory Portraits by Gigi on Facebook.

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