
10 truths we all need to get real about.


Sometimes in life, things happen (profound, I know). Awkward things though, that make you feel like the only person in the world that they are happening to, or the only person that does things the way you do.

Not so.

For your reading pleasure, we have compiled a list of ten things that happen to everyone, so you know you’re not alone. 

Just as an FYI, you should know that this series of posts is sponsored by Carefree.  But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.


1. Pretending to be busy on your mobile at a restaurant or bar.

There you are having a quiet drink with a friend at a bar and nature calls, leaving you sitting alone and gasp! Vulnerable. What do you do? Sit lonesome and gaze at other patrons in a creepy manner? No, grab your phone and start re-reading emails and drafting text messages that will never be sent. Everyone does it, don’t pretend.


2. Admiting life is too damn busy to exercise.

Sometimes the only exercise I get is pacing the house during a long phone call. Don’t punish yourself for it. It may seem like everyone is completing marathons and pumping iron at the gym, but if they feel the need to post a status update about it, it’s probably not a regular occurrence.


3. Wearing gym gear when you didn’t go to the gym

In fact, the majority of people walking around in gym gear have probably been nowhere near a gym that day, but dammit sometimes it’s just easier to throw on some leggings and a hoodie.

4. Always spelling Wednesday out in your head

No one can write Wednesday without spelling out Wed-nes-day in their head. The same goes for Feb-ru-ary.



5. Light bladder leakage, ladies. And gents actually.

This is not something that needs a discreet audience. It happens. Especially to those fortunate enough to birth a child (one of the many reminders that a small human used your internal organs as a trampoline for nine months). Its real, it’s amazingly common and it’s manageable.



6. When at home, nobody looks like a walking Bonds ad.

My home ensemble usually consists of gravy stained track pants that are three sizes too large (and show off a little too much of my C-section scar to be deemed socially appropriate) matched with an oversized hoodie that may or may not have belonged to my husband at some point. And frankly, that’s being dressed up. Home is where the pants aren’t.


7. Facebook stalking.

Have you just spent the past three hours down a Facebook rabbit hole stalking an ex? You’re not alone. Pretty much every person currently using Facebook has done so to peruse the photos and status updates of an ex-partner. While silly on their part, open profiles are pretty fantastic for stalker tendencies. Before you know it, you’re flicking through your ex’s new girlfriend’s sisters photos of schoolies week 2005.



8. When you start going to a new hairdresser, you have signed yourself up for potentially three hours of awkward small talk.

Relationships take time to build, and between a hairdresser and client is no different. “Soooooo what have you got on for the weekend? Going out?” Oh dear girl, our lives are so different. You envision laser lights and spilt drinks, I envision watching an entire TV show without someone screaming at me, but for some reason, every single time I’m at the hairdresser I want to start inventing cool stuff that I’ve not been up to just to keep the conversation going.



9. You are never completely comfortable as a couple until you no longer feel the need to spoon at night.

The big spoon always loses. What do you do with that arm!? What are we doing? One arm, a side hug WHAT IS THIS?! I love my husband immeasurably, but I also like to sleep without a dead arm or sore neck.


10. You are not the only person with uncoordinated social skills.

The amount of times I’ve responded “thanks, you too,” when a waiter has given me a meal and said “Enjoy,”  is embarrassing. Or, “hi, how are you?” “Good, how are you?” “Great how are you?” UGH?!



Did we miss anything? What is one thing you wish everyone would get real about? 


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 ®Registered Trademark Johnson &Johnson †Compared to Carefree Original Liners


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