
The silent war between Terry Biviano and Jodi Anasta.

What went down for these two Aussie WAGs to dislike each other?

They share so many similarities it’s almost uncanny. They’re both married to NRL players, their wedding dresses were almost identical, they both have daughters around the same age whose names both start with the letter A.

And from looking on the surface, you’d think these two Aussie WAGs would be the best of friends.

But Terry Biviano, 40, and Jodi Anasta, 30, have been said to be warring for quite some time. While neither of them are very open about their tricky relationship, Biviano just recently appears to have had the last word on their so called feud.

“We were never besties to start with, Jodi and I are just basically acquaintances, so there was never any falling out because there was never a strong relationship at all,” she explained to The Daily Telegraph at the Prix de Marie Claire Awards this week.

Terry Biviano with husband Anthony Minichiello on their daughter Azura's 1st birthday.
Jodi and Braith Anasta with their daughter Aleeia on Jodi's 30th birthday.

The Daily Telegraph also reports that Anasta told them last week, "I will always love Terry."

The Aussie WAGs however seemed to be quite close friends years ago, with Jodi and her husband Braith Anasta attending Terry's wedding to Anthony Minichiello.

But The Daily Mail reports this is where the rift began, after Anasta reportedly criticised what guests at Biviano's wedding were wearing. Anasta wearing a similar wedding gown to Biviano was also said to cause issues, with her and here husband conveniently not attending the union of the Anastas.

Terry and Anthony on their wedding day.
Jodi Anasta on her wedding day.

The pair also had an awkward encounter at the nail spa area of the Prix de Marie Claire awards in 2013 when the women were said to have had a slightly open conversation about their differences.

A source told The Sun Heard at the time, "She literally came up to her and stood over Terry wanting to talk about everything. Everyone was staring at them, Terry was trying to defuse the situation and had to stand up and walk away to the nail-drying area as Jodi wasn't going to stop. She wouldn't let up; the whole salon was in shock."

Following the incident, Biviano said, "It was awkward; there is a time and place for everything and a nail bar surrounded by so many people just isn't one of them. What's done is done and I just want to move on."

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for pictures of Terry and Jodi's families...

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