
Ariella didn't think twice about posting a bikini pic on Instagram. Then the hate started.


When Ariella Nyssa posted a photo in a bikini, she didn’t think twice.

The body positive Instagram model, with 172,000 followers, is no stranger to trolls, but when she posted a bikini photo that showcased her cellulite, the response was horrific.

Posting another photo to Instagram, the 21-year-old explained that when she posts photos of her cellulite, she is routinely shamed, told “you only have cellulite because you are lazy” and “if you have cellulite that means you are unhealthy”.

But Ariella won’t be shamed into hiding what her real human body looks like.

“Years ago I hated my cellulite. I was so insecure about it and as a result I made it my number one priority to tackle what most of society deems as an ‘unhealthy, unattractive flaw’. During this time I cut out all foods that I loved, I ran and ran on a treadmill and only ever did cardio at the gym,” she wrote in the post.

“Throughout this time I was constantly tired, my immune system was poor and my mental health and self worth were at an all time low. After years of trying different diets, starving myself and only doing cardio, I stopped and thought about what cellulite is. Why does it make me ‘unattractive’. And you know the conclusion I came too? IT DOESN’T,” she added.


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| I receive many comments about my cellulite and cellulite in general. “Your ass looks like my balls”, you only have cellulite because you are lazy” “If you have cellulite that means you are unhealthy”. Years ago I hated my cellulite. I was so insecure about it and as a result I made it my number one priority to tackle what most of society deems as an “unhealthy, unattractive flaw”. During this time I cut out all foods that I loved, I ran and ran on a treadmill and only ever did cardio at the gym. Throughout this time I was constantly tired, my immune system was poor and my mental health and self worth were at an all time low. After years of trying different diets, starving myself and only doing cardio, I stopped and thought about what cellulite is. Why does it make me “unattractive”. And you know the conclusion I came too? IT DOESNT. Cellulite doesn’t make you any less beautiful. It isn’t a representation of your health and it DEFINITELY shouldn’t stop you from loving yourself. I go to the gym way more than I did, but now I only do weight training. I eat in moderation and I am the healthiest I’ve ever been both physically and mentally. And I STILL have cellulite ! A completely airbrushed and smooth body is nearly impossible to obtain and is not a representation of YOUR beauty. So here’s little old me and my cellulite once again to remind you of how rare and AMAZING our bodies are. Cellulite or not ????????????

A post shared by Ariella Nyssa (@ariellanyssa) on


She explained that cellulite is a normal part of a healthy human body, and that it isn’t a representation of health.

“Cellulite doesn’t make you any less beautiful. It isn’t a representation of your health and it DEFINITELY shouldn’t stop you from loving yourself. I go to the gym way more than I did, but now I only do weight training,” she wrote.

“I eat in moderation and I am the healthiest I’ve ever been both physically and mentally. And I STILL have cellulite! A completely airbrushed and smooth body is nearly impossible to obtain and is not a representation of YOUR beauty. So here’s little old me and my cellulite once again to remind you of how rare and AMAZING our bodies are. Cellulite or not,” she added.


It’s not the first time Ariella has been celebrated for her body positive attitude on social media.

The influencer routinely uploads positive messages for women, about embracing your body just the way it is.


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To love ones self is the beginning of a life long romance. It is not selfish to set aside time to work on loving yourself entirely. Loving your self enough to work on things in your life, to take care of your body. To be kind, to be patient, to be forgiving. Your kindness and compassion on the inside allows you to GLOW on the outside! Beauty is subjective. It’s in the eye of the beholder! To me, being beautiful is about being kind. It’s about loving everyone you come across and admitting to your mistakes so you can grow. Self love is not just about loving the OUTSIDE! It starts with loving who you are on the INSIDE! Love your humour, your personality, your kindness, your humility, your patience, your creativity, your intentions, your generosity. Love every single thing about your beautiful personality and don’t let anyone tell you different ❤️ p.s wearing @prettylittlething ! I’m obsessed with leopard at the moment ????????????

A post shared by Ariella Nyssa (@ariellanyssa) on



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I am sick to death of seeing people body shame girls on Instagram. To tell them they are not beautiful enough, questioning them as to why they are “flaunting” their “flaws”. It’s time to make a change. To show women and men that beauty is NOT an ideal. That beauty can not be measured to one standard. That all of us are in fact BEAUTIFUL. You don’t need to change for anyone. You don’t need to feel bad about showing a bit of cellulite or having rolls when you sit down. Or the girls who have to listen to family members and friends telling them to “eat a burger” or that they are “too skinny”. Body shaming is NOT okay. NOONE should feel like they aren’t enough. When you judge someone by their appearance, it doesn’t define them. It defines YOU. Your existence is not based upon how desirable people think you are. It’s based upon your unconditional and undying love for YOU. Be who you are. Love what you look like and don’t let anyone ever tell you anything different ❤️

A post shared by Ariella Nyssa (@ariellanyssa) on

Anyone with an Instagram account can appreciate the bravery it takes to truly be this honest and real on social media.

Keep up the good work, Ariella.

Ariella Nyssa has been reached out to for comment. 

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