
There's a conversation we need to have about our periods.


For some of us, our periods are simply an inevitability of life.

Perhaps we bleed once a month, or once every few months. Perhaps we’ve been struck by the post-birth period, which sounds particuarly unpleasant.

But during those times – those of us who have the means to do so, make a very important choice.

We choose if we will use pads or tampons, and if so, what brand. We might not have heard of new options, like period underpants ModiBodi or a moon cup.

Our choice is partly to do with preference, and often informed by cost. But what we’re not considering as much as we should, is the impact that choice has on the environment.

We discuss our period horror stories on Mamamia Out Loud. Post continues below. 

This week, Lunette implemented a world first initiative for school students, which they’ve called the Sustainable Period Project.

In partnership with ModiBodi, Lunette want to open up a conversation about: “how we as women can make better decisions when it comes to how our period is impacting upon the environment.”

Elizabeth Chapman, Director of Lunette Mestrual Cups Australia, said in a statement, “The problem we face as a nation is that our current way of dealing with disposable menstrual hygiene products isn’t sustainable, and adding to the problem is the fact that schools have little to no resources to educate our younger generation about sustainable options.”

Brands like Lunette, ModiBodi, Natracare, Organ(y)c, Cloth Pad Shop and TOM Organic, are all sustainable options, and by choosing them, we are joining in the war against waste that continues to gain momentum.

A Resource Kit has been compiled by the Sustainable Period Project, and is being distributed to secondary schools.

It’s the beginning of a greater conversation women need to have: When it comes to our periods, what choice are we going to make?

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