
The 20-year-old woman who documented her anorexia recovery.

We’re constantly bombarded with images of body transformations on social media, but this 20-year-old’s story is something different.

Amalie Lee, a student from London, has been publicly documenting her recovery from anorexia on social media since 2013.

Lee, who now has an Instagram following of nearly 100,000 people, shares everything from before-and-after bikini selfies to motivational quotes and her favourite chocolate bars.

Despite being malnourished and requiring hospitalisation just two years ago, Lee is now a happy and healthy young woman who wants to help others struggling with eating disorders.

“An eating disorder is NOT about weight!” (Image via Instagram AmalieLee)

“The thought of spending the rest of my life alone, utterly consumed by an illness, eventually became more frightening than the thought of recovery,” the Psychology and Counselling student told Caters News.

Lee’s Instagram, which she has titled Redefining Healthy, has quickly become a platform of support for sufferers of eating disorders across the world.

On her Instagram, Amalie describes herself as an “Explorer, foodie, mental health advocate and recovered anorexic” (Image via Instagram @AmalieLee).

Through the use of #realcovery hashtag, Lee promotes healthy and unrestricted attitudes towards food.

Despite being of normal weight since mid-2014, she urges people to disassociate body weight with eating disorders, explaining on her Instagram, “There is NO such thing as being ‘too big’ for an eating disorder.”

Needless to say, the 20-year-old’s message has taken the world by storm, and Lee took to social media this week to express her gratitude:

“Thank you so much for all the support. I am overwhelmed over all the publicity, yet I am glad because I believe spreading awareness about mental health – a taboo – is important. It is ok not to be ok, and it is ok to talk about it. #realcovery” (Instagram @AmalieLee).

“I am damn proud of my physical change,” she explained.

If you or a loved one needs assistance or support with body image or an eating disorder, contact The Butterfly Foundation National Eating Disorders Supportline on 1800 33 4673 (1800 ED HOPE).


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