
6 parts of your body you never knew could age.

Thanks to our brand partner, Berlei

I’ve have spent a small fortune over the years on trying to STOP AGEING. (Please tell me you have too?)

Don’t worry… none of it has worked. The key to not ageing at all continues to elude me – along with the rest of the population. That’s because we are all relying on the same tips and tricks, lotions and potions.

And none of them have any magical qualities (although there are ways of slowing the ageing process down, like wearing a good, supportive bra).

“I was prepared for my face to age and wrinkle and sag and even my neck.”


So instead of my lofty aim to stop ageing in its tracks, I have decided to settle for ageing well – which basically means I will continue to use recommended products and settle for a slight improvement.

When I feel particularly flat I just Google celebrities who are older than me…Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, Susan Sarandon, Meryl Streep…

And they seem okay about it.

Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Berlei. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

But what I find particularly frustrating is the parts of my body I never knew could age. I was prepared for my face to age and wrinkle and sag and even my neck. I have Olivia Newton-John to thank for that. In an interview she recommended women moisturise their neck whenever they moisturise their face.

I have diligently done this for over a decade.

But what do I do about these:

1. Old knees…

“Can I get a knee lift? I doubt it.”


The skin on my knees is sagging. And I love my legs. But my knees are letting the team down. Can I get a knee lift? I doubt it. So I have been using my face cream on them. Crazy I know. But I am not ready for old lady knees. Not ready at all.

2. Old heels…

“Over the past couple of years my heels have started to get dry, crusty and cracked.”

Over the past couple of years my heels have started to get dry, crusty and cracked. It’s not so much that they are ageing. It’s more like I am slowly turning into a reptile, except without the ability to shed my old outer layer for a shiny young layer.


I actually envy lizards. They have this ageing thing down pat.

So once a week I grind away at them with a paddle and I moisturise at night and sleep in socks. It actually helps a lot.

3. Old boobs…

“Thankfully, I was always pretty strict about wearing supportive sports bras over the years so they could definitely be in worse shape.”

I had such brilliant boobs when I was younger. I couldn’t understand why so many bras had push up functions and padding. All I needed was the simplest of bras and I was good to go. Those babies defied gravity and at a C cup, were perfecto. I was a little short in the old nipple department, but besides that, I couldn’t complain.

20 years and three kids later and I am now a B cup. They are not as brilliant (or as big) as they used to be. Thankfully, I was always pretty strict about wearing supportive sports bras over the years so they could definitely be in worse shape. But I do miss my younger, perkier and bigger boobs.

4. Old chest…

“I remember being warned that this area ages by Elle MacPherson in an interview about her body secrets.”


The skin above my boobs too. I remember being warned that this area ages by Elle MacPherson in an interview about her body secrets. She said she wishes she had protected her chest skin from the sun.

Now I have wrinkles and spots on my chest. So I use the same products on my face, neck and chest.

And I sleep on my back instead of my side, so it can even out.

5. Old hair…


“Maybe some of the hairs now growing out of my chin could relocate to my head…”

My hair is drier and thinner than it used to be and I thankfully have found a hairdresser that uses colouring products without ammonia so my hair isn’t damaged.

I also take a hair, skin and nail vitamin religiously which doesn’t help it grow back but will hopefully stop more falling out.


Maybe some of the hairs now growing out of my chin could relocate to my head.

6. Old ears…

“So yes, I now use my mega-expensive face cream on my ears as well.”


I have been having a major ear wax problem for a couple of years and have to use drops to clear them. I had no idea why this was happening until a doctor said the skin on my ears is dryer, causing the problem to become worse.

So yes, I now use my mega-expensive face cream on my ears as well.

A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

I think that is it. They are all the really unusual body parts that are ageing. On the plus side my lips haven’t started to shrink yet and I still like my arms and my calves.

And never forget that the BEST way to look younger is to keep a giant smile on your face. Just keep those teeth nice and white.

What keeps you young?

Who says grey hair is a sign of ageing? These celebs are working the look.

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