For the majority of women, choosing to have an abortion is not a decision they regret.
Editor’s note: Women contemplating their abortion are constantly told they will be traumatised by the decision. A recent study however, found that 95% of women do not regret their decision to terminate their pregnancies. Whilst over 50% of the respondents indicated that choosing to have an abortion was a “difficult” or “very difficult” decision, participants confirmed that it “was the right decision for them”.
This post was published on Mamamia last year and given the aforementioned study, we decided to bring it back. It’s the personal story of termination that is so very rarely told.
I’ve had two abortions and I don’t regret either of them.
Does that sound defensive? I don’t mean for it to. But there’s this unwritten rule about admitting you’ve had an abortion and it’s that you have to say you’re really sad about them.
I’m not, though, and I think it’s important to say that to balance out the prevailing message we always get that abortion is a tragedy and will leave you sad and guilty forever.
I don’t agree with that. Abortion can be a positive thing if it means an unwanted child is not brought into the world. It can also be a positive thing if it means a woman’s life is not derailed into poverty, depression and a dramatic limiting of the opportunities available to her.
Safe, legal, rare.
I’m totally on board with that philosophy for abortions and I’d like to add one more word, well two: sometimes necessary.