
For those body shaming Abbie Chatfield, here are 64 photos of what 'bikini' bodies actually look like.

Since we last saw Abbie Chatfield on The Bachelor, the lady’s been busy.

Mostly, it appears she’s spent a lot of time at the beach and, by extension, in a bikini. One particular summer outing got all of us very excited because it involved some friendly frolicking in the white water with fellow Bach franchise alumni and runner-up, Todd King.

Wearing a lovely yellow and orange checked Lahana Swim bikini set and a smile on her face, the 24-year-old property analyst looked happy, relaxed and carefree.

Side note – here’s four steps to getting a ‘beach body’ that involve you simply taking your body to the… beach. Post continues after video.

Video by MMC

Sadly, some faceless people on the internet thought otherwise. So much so, they went out of their way to offer their unsolicited opinion on the way her body looked in various paparazzi photos from that day in the comments section on news articles.

We’re not going to publish the actual troll comments, because they’re not worth the time it would take to type them out, but Abbie summed it up best in an essay she shared with her 100K Instagram followers.


“Here are some photos that were taken of me a few weeks ago on a day at the beach. I was in a new bikini that I bloody love, I didn’t bother fake tanning the night before and I was just having a good f*cking time. I look at these photos and think “doll, you should have gotten the Bondi sands out” but… it just looks like my normal body. Not going to frame these bad boys but I certainly didn’t cringe when I saw them,” she wrote alongside screenshots of the images and a small selection of the trolling comments directed at her.

“I was sent a link to a Daily Mail article with these photos. Out of curiosity, I looked at the comments…. Body shaming, Slut shaming, Sexism. These comments don’t necessarily affect me, it sucks to read, but I remember that I am grateful for my body and all that it does for me, and I move on. What really concerns me is that people who aren’t as comfortable in themselves as I am will read this and internalise the views of others.”


View this post on Instagram


Okay… I’ve wanted to go a week without a rant but this just never stops and if I see this behaviour and don’t call it out, I am complicit. Here are some photos that were taken of me a few weeks ago on a day at the beach. I was in new bikinis that I bloody love, I didn’t bother fake tanning the night before and I was just having a good fucking time. I look at these photos and think “doll, you should have gotten the Bondi sands out” but… it just looks like my normal body. Not going to frame these bad boys but I certainly didn’t cringe when I saw them. I was sent a link to a Daily Mail article with these photos. Out of curiosity, I looked at the comments. (Keep scrolling to see) and… Holy. Fucking. Shit. Body shaming, Slut shaming, Sexism. These comments don’t necessarily affect me, it sucks to read, but I remember that I am grateful for my body and all that it does for me, and I move on. What really concerns me is that people who aren’t as comfortable in themselves as I am will read this and internalise the views of others. I’m a size 8, I am the size that is SUPPOSED to be conventionally “attractive” (WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN BUT OK). How the FUCK are people supposed to love themselves when people in the public eye of ALL sizes are being ridiculed for having normal bodies. I am at the end of my tether with this. STOP commenting on women’s bodies and debating whether or not we are ~allowed~ to wear bikinis. It isn’t your place. I’m a 24 year old who is healthy, happy and comfortable. Why does that irritate people? Let me live in my exercises-four-days-a-week-but-also-loves-carbonara rig and leave me in peace. Not for my sake, but for the sake of the mental health of the general public. Also, if you see this on the Internet or hear about it in person say something. I truly believe people feel it’s okay to say these things because they see others doing it and everyone around them remaining silent. Over it. I’ve lost sleep over this rage so I’m going to treat myself to another bikini that shows off my awful figure. ???????????????? Ps follow @i_weigh for more body positivity ❤️

A post shared by ABBIE CHATFIELD (@abbiechatfield) on


Abbie went on to explain she felt if she didn’t call this behaviour out publicly, she would be “complicit”.

“I’m a size 8, I am the size that is SUPPOSED to be conventionally “attractive” (WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN BUT OK). How the F*CK are people supposed to love themselves when people in the public eye of ALL sizes are being ridiculed for having normal bodies. I am at the end of my tether with this. STOP commenting on women’s bodies and debating whether or not we are ~allowed~ to wear bikinis. It isn’t your place.”

“Let me live in my exercises-four-days-a-week-but-also-loves-carbonara rig and leave me in peace. Not for my sake, but for the sake of the mental health of the general public.”

We too are in favour of eating carbonara (in fact, all pastas), but not with a side of body shaming. Frankly, we’ve had enough of this sh*t.

By ‘we’, we’re speaking on behalf of all women, because all of us, regardless of our size, have faced criticism about our bodies on some level. From others, but also from ourselves.


You can listen to Abbie speak further about how online trolling has affected her on The Spill podcast. Post continues after audio.

It’s for this reason we decided to ask the incredible women in our Mamamia community to share a photo of themselves in swimwear in an effort to normalise bodies.

The women in these photos are completely different. Different ages, sizes, ethnicities, and wearing different styles of swimmers. Some are taken at exotic locations or while on holiday, and others capture a regular day at the beach.

But every single woman in this post has two things in common. The first: we are united in calling out body shaming. We simply won’t stand for it.

And the second? Everyone looks happy, even if some of us looked back at our photo and grimaced.

So, in support of Abbie’s Instagram stand against body shaming, slut shaming, and sexism, here are 64 photos of women living their lives in their bathers.

Because sometimes, it’s nice to be reminded what bodies – ALL BODIES – in bikinis actually look like.

"Felt fat. Was actually growing tiny human. It’s a shame when society has indoctrinated you so badly that you even feel fat when you’re creating life." Image: Supplied.
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"A photo from the most perfect day at the beach with my baby and lover." Image: Supplied.
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"At the beach with my two babes. The best." Image: Supplied.
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Well, this looks relaxing! Image: Supplied.
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"I just want to be a functional and healthy person, and display gratitude for my body, especially in front of my girls." Image: Supplied.
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"Took me years to accept my curves. I used to tell my mum I “hate being Greek... all you gave me is food and hips." Now I don't want to look any other way." Image: Supplied.
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"I posted this on my Instagram and it was hard because I’ve never posted anything with my rolls in it but I also looked super cute." Image: Supplied.
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Flex Mami being her bad self. Image: Supplied/Flex Mami.
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Doesn't this look like the best day at the beach? Image: Supplied.
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"When I first saw this photo, I was ashamed at how much weight I had put on but honestly this was such a happy day for me and I love this photo so much." Image: Supplied.
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"How many pictures is too many to share?!" Image: Supplied.
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"Even with a dorky face, the ocean is a nice view." Image: Supplied.
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"Life is too short to not jump in the pool or ocean." Image: Supplied.
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"The most glamorous picture I have. I had pancakes and croissants every day for breakfast on this trip, no regrets." Image: Supplied.
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"My bikini body after having a super relaxing day at the day spa, feeling amazing." Image: Supplied.
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"Size 18 and this was my first time in public in swimmers... It was hard and I felt like everyone was staring at me but also such a proud moment." Image: Supplied.
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"I’ll never not be proud of this photo." Image: Supplied.
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"I bloody love this!" Image: Supplied.
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"I've never been more consistent with my health and lifestyle, yet I still feel self-doubt." Image: Supplied.
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Leigh Campbell just before she had her baby. Image: Supplied/Leigh Campbell.
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"Feeling ridiculously happy and sunshiney in Portugal earlier this year." Image: Supplied.
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"Living my best life. In reality, I felt uncomfortable, but my body is what it is and I'm not ashamed of it." Image: Supplied.
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"I'm a curvy lady, yet athletic. So the critics can be gone!" Image: Supplied.
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"I got bullied a lot for having a bigger bum. Now, it's my favourite feature." Image: Supplied.
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"I’m sad to admit I hardly have a single pic of me in swimwear because I mostly want to become invisible, but here is me, at rolls and all." Image: Supplied.
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"I felt terrible in this picture, but I'm so glad my husband took it." Image: Supplied.
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Strong and carefree! Image: Supplied.
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"Eight months pregnant with my sister." Image: Supplied.
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What a jump! Image: Supplied.
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"I didn't like this pic because of my thighs and cellulite, but now, it reminds me I had such a great time!" Image: Supplied.
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"Me. 48. At my most flabbiest but caring LESS about my bikini body." Image: Supplied.
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"I’ve learnt to embrace my new curvier body, that’s not as toned as it once was." Image: Supplied.
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Well this looks like it was a TIME. Image: Supplied.
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"Disliked the way my legs looked. But now I look and I’m proud of how strong I am and how lucky I am to have a functioning body." Image: Supplied.
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Jess enjoying a holiday! Image: Supplied.
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"I didn’t post when I took this because I developed acne when I was pregnant and gained a fair bit of weight." Image: Supplied.
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Go Katie! Image: Supplied.
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"Getting past the feeling that I need to be “perfect” if I want to be seen has been a huge battle for me." Image: Supplied.
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Happy AND sun-safe. Image: Supplied.
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"Super relaxed in Fiji." Image: Supplied.
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"At the time, I was so uncomfortable that I had a few lumps and bumps... but now I look back and think what the hell, curves are magic!" Image: Supplied.
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"Hated this photo when my daughter took it but that tummy has grown three kids!" Image: Supplied.
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"My sludgy bits are lying FLAT. Sit me up and there are more rolls than Bakers Delight." Image: Supplied.
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"6 months post op ACL reconstruction. Feeling myself." Image: Supplied.
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Love this from Jaime! Image: Supplied.
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"Sporting my new mum tum and droopy boobies on my holiday and felt the most comfortable I’d ever been." Image: Supplied.
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How much fun does Lynda look like she's having?! Image: Supplied.
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GET. IT. GIRL. Image: Supplied.
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"Ahhhh Hawaii. I miss you." Image: Supplied.
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Work it, Mia! Image: Supplied.
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"Have always loved my body no matter the shape or size! Life is way too short not to." Image: Supplied.
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"I couldn’t bring myself to post this on Insta because I have recently gained some weight, but it was the best trip away with my husband." Image: Supplied.
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"I couldn’t give a f*** about how bad my stretch marks are or how saggy my bum is. You don’t like it, don’t look!" Image: Supplied.
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YES Donna! Image: Supplied.
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"I was struggling with postnatal hyperthyroidism and I had lost a lot of weight. I wasn’t happy or healthy but I love this pic of me and my little man!" Image: Supplied.
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SO FUN. Image: Supplied.
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Um, this is the best photo ever. Image: Supplied.
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Another gorgeous family beach photo! Image: Supplied.
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"My beautiful girl and I. I can’t even tell you how anxious I was to be in a bikini for the first time since having my daughter." Image: Supplied.
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"I would NEVER have even thought about buying a two piece with my H cup boobies let alone wearing one in public AND posting the image on Instagram, but I did. And I'm so proud of myself. I don't care what I look like, all that matters is I am happy and healthy. I dress for me now, no one else." Image: Supplied.
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"I call this chunky but sun safe ft. doggo (can’t be unhappy about a lil leg fold when you’ve got a literal angel on your lap)." Image: Supplied.
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A lovely lady on holiday in Bali. Bliss. Image: Supplied.
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"This is me about to go snorkeling in Hawaii a few years back!" Image: Supplied.

Oh, and the icing on the cake is this whole story coming full circle, with Abbie herself sharing a photo in her bikini, taken on the same goddamn day as those paparazzi pics.

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"Here’s a non pap one of myself that I love bc I’m having a lol." Image: Supplied/Abbie Chatfield.

Thank you to all the brilliant members of the Mamamia community who supplied their images and thoughts for this story. We see you. We appreciate you. You rock. And a big thank you to Abbie Chatfield. You also rock.

How does seeing all these incredible and different bodies make you feel? Tell us what you think in the comments!

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