
People think that riders are risk-taking criminals. But they're not.

Thanks to our brand partner, Youi

I was miserable.

I was travelling for three long hours on public transport to work each day. Seriously. Three. Hours.

Walking to the tram stop. Waiting for the tram. Getting off that tram. Waiting for the next tram. Then walking to work from the tram. That all adds up to 1.5 hours each way.

On the days I drove, it was three and a half.

When I wasn’t quietly sulking about the ever-increasing cost of bus tickets, I was taking deep breaths to quell the motion sickness I inevitably got.

I needed to make a change.

Enter: shiny red bike with a hipster-basket to boot.

I feel I need to mention now, the bike gets a bad rep. Many believe that riders are risk-taking criminals whose sole intention is to get in the way of drivers’ otherwise pleasant commute.

This is all kinds of wrong. There are 6 very good reasons why bike riding trumps both public transport and driving every single time.

1. I am getting free and practical exercise.


Dimity on her bike.


I used to go to a gym to ride on a bike to nowhere. They call this “spin-class”. I call it “try not to pass out from exhaustion and sweat class”.


Now by merely going to work, I am exercising. Two birds, please meet my stone: the bicycle.

2. I am saving money.

This is exactly how I feel about having more money.

No longer am I spending $36 a week on bus tickets like a sucker. Neither am I spending $30 a week on petrol like a fool. I’m even saving money on my car insurance, like a genius.

All this extra money is going into buying myself fancy jewellery and expensive clothes.

Or food. It’s going on food.

3. It is quicker than driving and/or public transport.

Face it. Crowded public transport is no fun for anyone.

I realised this when I succumbed to the bus one day when it was raining. Ok drizzling. Ok it looked a lot like it was going to rain.

Basically, my laziness took over and I left my bike at home.

As I got on the bus, I noticed a bike-rider out of the corner of my eye peddling for glory. I recognised him as one that takes the same route as me. We’re bike-buddies, though he hasn’t realised this yet.

I figured today we would just have to be bike-bus-buddies instead. But as I went to wave to him out the window, he sped off into the distance, never to be seen again.

Until the next day when I realised the error of my ways and got back on my bike again.


4. I am happy ALL THE TIME.

Me – all the time.

Oh bless you, endorphins.

After I’ve ridden to work, I skip into the office. I am high as a kite on those wonderful endorphins and the buzz doesn’t cease until I’m ready to ride back home. At which point I get more endorphins that last me until morning. And so the cycle continues (bike puns!).

5. I am saving the environment.

You’re welcome world. 

The only fumes coming from my bike are fumes of happiness and enjoyment.

6. I have full smug-rights.

Whether it is to the angry-looking commuters I am whizzing past or the sleepy looking co-workers I greet at work, I have the right to feel smug all the time. I am beating them in exercise, money, and happiness. Probably.

I have learned that with this smugness comes great responsibility. I must not rub in my bike-riding cleverness to others, but instead must be humble and happy and subliminally encourage everyone to become my bike buddy too.

How do you get to work?

Dimity isn’t the only one reaping the benefits of bike riding, check out these celebs giving biking a go…

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