It is winter. It is cold. You want to avoid going outside as much as possible, yes?
I understand. I do. I could happily spend the rest of Winter 2013 sitting in front of the television and heater, dressed in pale blue sausage-dog-print pyjamas and matching ugg boots.
But sadly, there is exercise to be done. Exercise that usually involves venturing outside. Which sucks, because – as previously established – it’s cold out there. And no matter how many “insulated” running tops you buy, it’s still going to be cold out there.
Today, I am here to help you exercise without actually venturing out of your house at any point. Bonus: You’ll save time by not having to drive to the gym, park, etc etc. Extra bonus: You won’t even have to put pants on. WINNING.
1. Exercise DVDs
Exercise DVDs are the answer to every exercise problem ever. They’re generally reasonably priced and, providing you have enough room in your living room, they’re essentially a group fitness class that you can do anytime of the day with nobody else watching.
In case you don’t even know where to begin, here are some of the most popular options:
– Zumba – I love Zumba and bought some kind of megakit which includes something like 8 DVDs so that you never run out of/get bored of the workouts. Pricey-ish but worth it if you get a lot of use out of it. Also – you can do all the moves without fear that somebody is watching you and laughing at you.