
Jo Abi is really, really, really into 'night time cuddles' at the moment.

Jo’s unexpected result from the 12WBT: extra love for ‘night time cuddles’






When I first signed up for Michelle Bridges’ 12WBT program I was pretty excited. The timing was perfect. I’d be participating in the program ahead of my 38th birthday (help!) and I imagined being the best version of myself ever. I’ve been tired, my skin blotchy, my butt saggy…I saw myself blowing out birthday candles with cheek bones jutting, amazingly toned arms, a recent spray tan and wearing an outfit better suited to a 28-year-old.

Well, some of that has happened. I’m definitely fitter and more toned, my skin is less blotchy and I’m feeling more energetic, except something else has happened as well.

12WBT has radically and significantly increased my sex drive.


FYI, you should know this post is sponsored by 12WBT.  But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

I can’t help it. I am really really into ‘night time cuddles’ at the moment. From out of nowhere. I’ve never felt this way before, well maybe for a few weeks after first reading 50 Shades of Grey.

Jo is now crushing on gym instructors, guys working in chicken shops and randoms with tattoos.

My husband and I have always had a healthy sex life but nothing like this. I actually jump HIM these days and my performance is pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. I think my husband is a bit tired actually. At first he was delighted but two nights ago he kept mentioning how tired he was and then when I got into bed beside him he said, “Let’s just cuddle”.

Um, what?


Anyway, I think 12WBT and my birthday have created the ‘perfect storm’. It is a well known fact that women enter their sexual peak when they hit middle age and nothing makes a woman more frisky than feeling good about herself.

And it’s not just confined to the husband.

I have developed inappropriate crushes on two of my gym instructors (hello Michael, hello Steve), on the guy who works at the chicken shop down the road, random strangers especially anyone with a tattoo (not sure why) and several famous actors, especially Mark Ruffalo in the movie In The Cut, Clive Owen in Beyond Borders and Daniel Day-Lewis in Last of the Mohicans.

I’d better get back to my husband…

He is a truck driver. He drives a petrol tanker. He wears those high-vissy tops and smells like grease. He comes home all hot and sweaty. I used to hate it. Not anymore.

I can only assume that as I get closer to 40 this will only get worse. I never thought this would be one of the benefits of getting fit and healthy. I’m delighted. I feel ten years younger.



NICKY: I’ve been the most surprised about the deliciousness of the 12WBT recipes. I’ve found the food to be both delicious and filling, which is usually where I come undone in other healthy eating programs as I’m usually starving by 11am. If you’re out there and considering doing the next round of 12WBT – DO IT! – other than the delicious food and Mish’s easily to follow exercises you’ll be delightfully surprised at how supportive the community environment is. It’s like getting fit with a hundred of your closest friends.






LUCY: The biggest surprise for me has been that I don’t need to be a member of a gym. I’ve really been surprised by how much I can do from home. And – I know I go on about it a lot – but I’m obsessed by the recipes and I love that I have a so many new ones on file now.





NAT: Prior to 12WBT I could cook maybe about 3 meals (all of which involved some variation of mince) and I had real trouble coming up with ideas for healthy snacks and lunches to take to work. So I was really pleased with 12WBT in that it gave me inspiration (and recipes) for so many more meals that were delicious and yet still good for you. I expected to get fitter and feel healthier but I didn’t expect to become some kind of Masterchef. Well… almost.


Over the you MM readers – what unexpected or surprising results have you had during your 12WBT?



Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT) is an online 12-week exercise, nutrition and mindset training program designed to transform your body and, most importantly, your way of thinking. Whether it be weight loss, running, shaping and toning, or simply a motivational boost, this program is designed for you! Over 12 weeks you’ll receive Exercise Plans, nutritious and delicious Menus, Mindset Videos and Expert Support to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.  

The next 12WBT kicks off February 3. Head to to join the team!

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