
Some experts have thrown out the 10,000 steps a day goal. Now, there's a new one.

10,000 steps: it’s the magic number many experts say we should be walking every day to improve our health.

For most of us, that’s a pretty unrealistic and daunting fitness goal.

The other problem is, it doesn’t take into account “intensity”, which according to Australian government’s guidelines is key.

If you’re on the hunt for a quick and easy fitness routine, here’s Sam Wood’s leg workout you can do watching TV. Post continues after video.

Video by MMC

The guidelines advise us to get at least 150 minutes of “moderate intensity” physical activity per week, or 75 minutes of “vigorous intensity” activity.

If you’re confused by what those levels of intensity actually mean or feel like, don’t fret. A new study published in the International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity explains that what we should be aiming for is to walk at a pace of about 100 steps per minute to reach “moderate intensity”.

If you’re struggling to imagine what that looks like, think 25 steps in 15-seconds. It’s a brisk, purposeful walk.

And the research explains that if you up that to 130 steps per minute, it will lift you into the “vigorous intensity” zone.

During their treadmill trials, the researchers also worked out that most adults between the ages of 21-40 are capable of reaching a walking speed associated with moderate intensity, and naturally sat around the 110 steps per minute range.

So we’ve broken it down for you. If you walk at 100 steps per minute for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, you’ll tick off your “moderate intensity” fitness goal.

Certainly a little less daunting than trying to work out how many bus stops early you need to get off, to try and reach 10,000 steps every single day on your Fitbit.

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