Feeling tired, disorganised, anxious, tense or suffering from stress in the workplace? Then try following our tips on how to make your work day healthier…
De-clutter your desk
A clean, uncluttered working space is far more conducive to a productive day than a desk piled high with files, dirty mugs and scraps of paper.
Go green
Certain plants can help absorb the pollutants emitted by office carpets, MDF, paint and anti-stain treated fabrics - such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichorethylene.
Take a break
Chiropractors recommend getting up to stretch and walk around at least every 40 minutes to prevent joint pain, muscular tension and eye strain.
Get ventilation
Many of us don’t have the luxury of working next to an open window - especially as some companies prefer to keep the windows firmly sealed and pump the place with
Pack your lunch
It’s not impossible to get healthy snacks and lunches in the deli or cafe, but the temptation to go for a mayonnaise-laden sandwich can be quite strong after a stressf
Switch off
Don’t leave computers, faxes, phone chargers and photocopiers switched on all the time - all electrical equipment emits electro-magnetic fields, and there is some evid
Get personal
According to the Chinese art of Feng Shui, it’s good to place something that reminds you of the non-work-related aspect of your life on the left-hand side of your desk -
Drink more
A heated or air-conditioned office is very drying - so ensure you stay well hydrated.
Sort out your workstation
Fifty per cent of computer workers who also use a telephone for at least two hours a day report neck pain, while 31 per cent report lower back pain.
Ease your eyes
If you work on a computer, you will be spending long periods of time focusing on something at a fixed distance straight in front of you.
This post was originally published here and is republished with full permission.