
This is the upside to being bigger that nobody tells you about.







I’ve gained a bit of weight this year. And I know exactly why. I stopped exercising regularly and pretty much ate whatever I felt like for six months. Energy in was more than energy out.

The extra energy has settled neatly around my body in a very evenly distributed way. I’m lucky like that. I carry extra weight rather well.

My doctor has advised me that I really need to lose 7-10kg to get back to my healthy weight range.  My wardrobe had been whispering something similar, but I ignored her because she doesn’t have a medical degree. Also, she was whispering. It’s easy to ignore whispering in a house full of noisy kids and a mind full of what’s-for-lunch. Besides, the mirror kept shouting “You look awesome!!”

So, I guess I need to listen to the doctor and lose a few (okay, ten) kilos. Time to eat less and move more. Yawn.

But that’s not what I want to talk about. I wanted to share some of the things I’ve been enjoying about being a bit bigger.

It’s the upside that nobody tells you about.

1. Warmth

A winter coat that stays on. Cosy!

2. No more ‘pits’ in armpits

This is a serious benefit. It’s normally tricky to shave armpits, because of the ‘pit’ bit. Way too many contours. A new fullness there means I have a nice, flat surface to shave. So much easier.


3. An excuse to wear more dresses

I love wearing dresses. Now that my skirts and pants have mysteriously shrunk, I get to wear dresses most days. Dresses, boots and tights. Love this look.

4. Comfy

I am everyone’s favourite pillow now. There’s something rather comforting about a soft, squishy mum. Also, I’ve always got somewhere comfortable to sit.

I’m everyone’s favourite pillow.

5. Face or figure

My mum always says ‘face or figure’, the theory being that if you get too slim, the plumpness goes from your face and you start looking older. I do think there’s a certain plumpness to my face at the moment that is rather youthful. No fillers needed here. I’m already full.

6. Bikini Line

When you’re very slim, there’s nowhere for the bikini line to hide. Now, I’ve got a few centimeters grace.

7. The Surprise Factor

Nobody expects much from bigger people. I can still sprint up a flight or two of stairs. I think it’s extra impressive now somehow.

8. Storage

I was fumbling with my front door keys recently and needed a free hand, so I put the mail I was holding between my thighs. This can’t happen with thighs that are too slim. What do slim people do in this situation? Poor slim people.


9. Boobs

Wow. That’s all I have to say about that.

10. Variety

How boring to be the same size all the time. I’ve enjoyed getting to know all the different incarnations of me.  Over the years, I’ve met a supremely fit 17-year-old rower, a 25-year-old London-living, beer-swilling broad (and yes, she was broad, and gee she was fun), a 28-year-old slightly starving bride-to-be.

Then there were these three incredible pregnant women, each slightly different but all fabulous in their own way.  There was a moment – in about October 2006 – when I met this size ten ‘yummy mummy’. She lived in Singapore with two children under two and no car. Even her face looked different. She told me that living on the Equator was like a permanent, involuntary Bikram yoga class.

Later, I came across this woman with magnificent thighs who could push three children uphill, all in the one pram, and earlier this year, I met a very fit woman who completed a 100km walk. She was toned. And tough.

Since then, I’ve been hanging out with a very soft, cuddly woman who wears lots of stretchy things and scarves. She always has chocolate. I like her a lot.

I’m going to miss her but I’m sure she’ll be back.

Emma Crowe works as a Radio Producer at 702 ABC Sydney three days a week.  The rest of the week, she can be found driving a people mover around Sydney’s Northern Beaches.
What do you like or dislike about being a little bigger or a little smaller than you usually are?
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