
News in 5: MAFS' Zoe reveals assault; Free flu shots for QLD kids; Netflix's big announcement.

1. “It was a f*cking life sentence.” Married At First Sight’s Zoe Hendrix says she was raped at age five.

Zoe Hendrix from Married at First Sight has added her voice to the #MeToo social movement, revealing on Instagram that she was raped at age five and calling it a “f*cking life sentence”.

“I was five years old when I was raped,”her Instagram post reads. “For too long this attack has cast a dark and shameful cover over me.”

“I have blamed myself and for decades I have fought an internal battle of shame and guilt. I have tried to ignore the anxiety and depression that comes with trauma. I have been lost, scared and confused. I have battled my body and my mind. It has been a f*cking life sentence. But no more.”


Hendrix met her partner Alex Garner in the 2015 season of Married at First Sight. The couple are the show’s biggest success story and welcomed a daughter, Harper, in November last year.


She said it was the #MeToo movement, which has seen women come forward with stories of sexual abuse in response to the Harvey Weinstein allegations, that encouraged her to tell her story.

“It gave me strength. The bravery of these women. And I couldn’t not add my voice to the chorus – knowing it may help someone else raise theirs,” her Instagram post reads.

“To all the others who have experienced harassment, abuse or assault, please know that you are not alone, there are others that will stand with you. That will believe you. There is help and there is hope. You life will not be defined by the heinous actions of another. You life matters, your voice will be heard, you are not to blame and you are not alone.”

Hendrix was born in Ethiopia, according to News Corp, and, at age five, she and her brother were abandoned at an orphanage. They were later adopted by a Tasmanian couple.

2. Injury forces singer Ed Sheeran to cancel upcoming concerts.

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Ed Sheeran’s upcoming concerts in Australia are in doubt after he suffered serious arm injuries in a bicycle accident.

The 26-year-old previously posted an image of his arm in a cast and told his fans that he “had a bit of a bicycle accident” and was “waiting on some medical advice”.

Now he has updated his nearly 16 million Instagram followers to say that doctors found fractures in his right wrist and left elbow.

“A visit to my doctors confirmed fractures in my right wrist and left elbow that will leave me unable to perform live concerts for the immediate future,” the singer said.

“Sadly, this means that the following shows will not be able to go ahead as planned: Taipei, Osaka, Seoul, Tokyo and Hong Kong.”

He added: “I’m waiting to see how the healing progresses before we have to decide on shows beyond that. Please stay tuned for more details.

“PS – Ed isn’t typing this as he has both arms casted/bandaged.”


Sheeran has dates lined up in the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and India before moving on to Australia in March 2018.

3. Grieving families shocked as six missing fishermen presumed dead.

Six crewmates missing off Queensland’s coast are believed to have died in wild seas as a second day of searching ended with no trace of the fishermen.

Hopes of finding any of them – aged 28 to 45 – alive have all but faded as family and loved ones of the crewmates gathered in Gladstone to be briefed by authorities on Wednesday.


The families of skipper Ben Leahy, 45, and crew members Adam Hoffman, 30, Eli Tonks, 39, and Adam Bidner, 33, Western Australian Zach Feeney, 28, and Chris Sammut, 34, were told to expect the worst if they were not found by nightfall, AAP reports.

Wetsuits, diving equipment and personal items have washed ashore as authorities scour the debris for a sign of survival after their vessel, the Dianne, capsized off the town of 1770 on Monday night.

“The family are very upset and shocked about what has happened,” Inspector Darren Somerville told reporters. “At this stage we will continue searching tomorrow.”

Ruben McDornan, the sole known survivor, on Wednesday sat down with Agnes Water police to recount just what had happened.

The 32-year-old from Cairns clung to the hull of the sea cucumber vessel and later spent hours in the open ocean before being saved by a couple on a passing yacht who heard his screams for help.

“We’re so grateful that he’s alive,” his wife Sammy told reporters.

“But our thoughts are with the boys missing at the moment because they’ve all got family. We just need everybody to keep positive for them.”

4. Free flu vaccines for Queensland pre-schoolers.


Queensland kids under five will get free flu vaccines from next year and the government will provide funds to enable a faster flu diagnosis to ease the burden on the state’s hospitals.

Health experts, including representatives from the World Health Organisation, gathered in Brisbane on Wednesday to develop further strategies to combat the flu.

Health Minister Cameron Dick said the evidence was clear more needed to be done to reduce the number of serious cases of influenza after a record season of 52,000 confirmed cases. Of those, 5500 required hospitalisation.


“Of all the vaccine preventable diseases, influenza beats every other disease combined,” he said, AAP reports.

A funding package announced before the summit will provide $600,000 for rapid point-of-care testing and a further $700,000 for automated blood culture machines.

Five Queensland public hospitals already have point-of-care testing and Mr Dick said funding would ensure it would be rolled out in a further 15 other hospitals next year.

It’s hoped the investments will ensure faster diagnosis and treatment of infections, helping the health system better manage its response.

5. Man jailed for filming gang rape of teenage girl on GoPro at a Sydney party.


Ayden Devereux enthusiastically encouraged his friends to continue gang raping a teenage girl at a Sydney party as he filmed the “revolting acts” on a GoPro camera.

“Let’s go, who’s up?” Devereux says in the footage, which shows a group of men having sex with the 16-year-old at a house party at St Clair in May 2015.

Devereux, 26, on Wednesday was jailed for seven-and-a-half-years with a non-parole period of five years after pleading guilty to two counts of aggravated sexual assault in company.

“The offending behaviour is disgraceful,” Judge Christopher Hoy said at the Downing Centre District Court.

The victim, a “shy” girl with an intellectual disability, was invited to the party after befriending someone on Facebook. She has no memory of what unfolded.

Devereux didn’t touch or sexually assault the victim but he was present while others did and at no point did he intervene or assist the victim, Judge Hoy said.

“This offender spouted words of demeaning vulgarity and crudity,” Judge Hoy said. “His commentary suggests increasing and ongoing enthusiasm.”

He said the “revolting acts may never have seen the light of day” had police not uncovered the GoPro footage while investigating an unrelated matter six weeks later.


Devereux will be eligible for parole in October 2020.

A jury in August found his co-offenders – Carlyle-Watson, Kurt Stevenson and Andrew Waters – guilty of aggravated sexual assault in company. The trio is due to face a sentence hearing on October 27.

6. PREPARE TO BINGE: Netflix to release 80 original films next year.


Netflix says it expects to release around 80 original films next year, as it looks to hit the kind of scale in movies that it’s achieved in television, chief content officer Ted Sarandos says.

“They range anywhere from the million-dollar Sundance hit, all the way up to something on a much larger scale, like Will Smith-starrer Bright,” Sarandos said at an investors’ interview on Monday about Netflix’s third-quarter 2017 results, AAP reports.

Netflix added 850,000 streaming subscribers in the US and 4.45 million overseas in the period, which was above expectations.

“We added a Q3-record 5.3 million memberships globally (up 49 per cent year-over-year) as we continued to benefit from strong appetite for our original series and films, as well as the adoption of internet entertainment across the world,” the company said.

Netflix posted revenue of $US2.98 billion ($A3.79 billion) and earnings per share of 29 cents for the period. Wall Street had expected Netflix to report Q3 revenue of $US2.97 billion and EPS of 32 cents.

Netflix is due to release a host of new films including Bright – an action police thriller directed by David Ayer with a reported production price tag of $US90 million ($A115 million) – debuting worldwide on Netflix on December 22.

Sarandos also cited as a forthcoming big-budget picture Martin Scorsese’s gangster movie The Irishman, starring Robert DeNiro, slated to be released on Netflix in early 2019.

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