In today’s magazine news, they are still made of paper and feature famous and attractive identities on their covers.
In more specific magazine news, People mag in the US this week published an issue featuring stars without any makeup on. Not those mean pap shots where they are exiting the gym, but deliberately makeup free.
Of course, they still have exceptional hair, and the lighting and the quality of the photos are top notchy, and there is definitely some post-production work going on here, but I applaud these dames all the same.
Why? Because for those of us who love makeup, enjoy makeup, feel better with makeup on, this would be a big deal. Personally, makeup is like clothing to me; I very rarely leave the house without any on.
For these women, who are Real Famous and as such the cause of much scrutiny even when they are fully made up, not to mention the fact they wear shittonne of makeup on set/on red carpets/in photoshoots every day to look the way we know them to look, this nude face bizzo would be even stranger, I imagine.
Zooey Deschanel, for example, has made her big blue eyes and trademark false lashes so much a part of her identity that she doesn’t even have to remove them for her assorted movie and TV roles. (Good for you, Zooey! Even if you spell your name weird!)
The photos certainly prove the transformative power of makeup, because who woulda thunk it? Underneath it all, these women (albeit these very pretty women) look “just like us” before we paint on our goo each day. And surprise! Zooey’s lashes are actually more S than XXL.