
Hamish and Zoe Foster Blake are going to New York to "live and work for a while".

Zoe Foster Blake has revealed on Instagram that she, her husband Hamish Blake, and their children Sonny and Rudy will be moving to New York this year to “live and work for a while” after a trip to Mykonos and Italy.

“We’re heading back to Mykonos soon, but this time he [Sonny] will be four-years-old, a touch leaner, and accompanied by his baby sister,” she wrote in the post.

“From there we head to Italy, then New York City, where we’ll live and work for a while,” she added.

This comes as the 37-year-old’s beauty brand Go-To skincare launches in the United States, where it will be stocked in hundreds of Sephora stores.

“All up, we will be traveling [sic] for three months, which doesn’t induce any anxiety in me at all, not a lick: I am PERFECTLY CALM,” she wrote.

“You try fitting a family of four’s shit into two suitcases, especially when one of them is a dedicated holiday theme dresser,” she continued.

She wrote in the post that the family had been hoping to take a trip like this “for years”, and hopes to enjoy some quality time (she has referred to the family as “pale, Aussie Griswolds”) before the kids become school-age.

This is my four-month-old son at Nammos, in Mykonos. We’re heading back to Mykonos soon, but this time he will be four years-old, a touch leaner, and accompanied by his baby sister. From there we head to Italy, then New York City, where we’ll live and work for a while. (I’ll be popping into Sephora in various disguises, buying Go-To and making a huge fuss about how NEAT this OHSSIE stuff is.) All up, we will be traveling for three months, which doesn’t induce any anxiety in me at all, not a lick: I am PERFECTLY CALM. (You try fitting a family of four’s shit into two suitcases, especially when one of them is a dedicated holiday theme dresser.) (Rudy.) Oh, but I am so wildly excited. We’ve been marinating this for years: a hefty slab of time away with our kids before they’re in school; no work, no email, (for a portion of it, anyway) just the pale, Aussie Griswolds having the time of their lives. No, it’s not a good time for me to be away, but it never is when you’re self-employed. (My work policy is basically to red-band to the point of exhaustion for months and months for so I can take meaningful breaks that I feel really fucking entitled to. Just like how I exercise so I can eat the pancakes and the chippies.) Anyway! Time to do another sweep of the suitcase: five pairs of sandals is too many. (And yet Hamish INSISTS he needs all of them.)

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Following the birth of Rudy in July last year, Zoe Foster Blake shared the details of what she packed to go to the hospital on her blog ZoTheySay, which was so popular that the website crashed.

Speaking about the ordeal, she wrote on Instagram that she was desperate for recommendations during her pregnancy.

“Especially when it comes to birth/breastfeeding stuff because I forget/am nosy/have no clue/time so I just need the Internet Friend Advice from people who’ve been there,” Zoe wrote.

“To pay back the favour, I wrote a (long and pretty boring) blog on my birth, and what I packed for the hospital, and some great breastfeeding clothes, and the tights I wish I knew about when I brought my first baby home.”

In the post, she also said she packed maternity pads, bonds breastfeeding singlets, and men’s black underwear, to name a few things.

We hope for Sonny’s sake that this 2018 family trip is very very different to Hamish and Andy‘s gap year.

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