
Celeb in 5: Friday's best entertainment and gossip news.

1. Zoe Foster Blake shares a gorgeous tribute to Hamish and Andy on their final day of radio.

A post shared by ZOË FOSTER BLAKE (@zotheysay) on

Today, Friday the 1st of December, will forever more be known as the ‘National Day of Mourning for The Hamish and Andy Show‘. The Australian people practically demand it.

And to honour the very, very important occasion, Zoe Foster-Blake has shared the bloody best tribute her husband’s radio show that’s dominated the airwaves, and no doubt their relationship, for over a decade.

“I befriended these rascals in 2004, and was instantly charmed by their (razor sharp but always gentle) wit, friendship, dedication to fun, camaraderie and fantastic hair,” Zoe captioned possibly the best throwback pic our beady eyes have ever seen.


“Today @hamishandandy do their last radio show, and for all of us who have gigged and snorted in the car as Hamish and Andy (and Jack!) joyfully, wholeheartedly entertained us, I say: thank you, exceptional work, and we’ll miss you. (I mean, I won’t personally miss them, I will probably see waaaay more of them now, too much, even… Andy will probably bloody move in for godsakes, but I will miss the SHOW.)”

After acknowledging the duo’s awesome team and commitment to fun, Zoe also gave us a shred of hope to cuddle while we’re in the fetal position tonight.

“I have a hunch this isn’t the last time they’ll do radio together, (and by hunch I mean I’ve accepted multiple bribes to enable it) but for now: we love you, boys. You’re total aural sunbeams.”

Dear Lord, we hope so. But for now, Bravo Hamish and Andy. Bravo.

2. Jessica Simpson posted a photo of her five-year-old daughter and the internet LOST ITS DAMN MIND.

Some people spend their time watching Netflix and wondering what to cook for dinner. Others like to troll celebrity Instagram accounts and offer unsolicited (and usually rude) parenting advice.

It was the latter group who decided to have a go at Jessica Simpson for the unforgivable crime of letting her five-year-old daughter play with makeup. These must, of course, be the same people who never ever wanted to be ‘just like mummy’ and try on her dresses or makeup.

In the photo, Jess and Maxwell are showing off the lippy they just tried on, visiting a makeup store on their “Mummy-daughter day”.

This is NOT an #ad, @maccosmetics is my daughter’s favorite store! Mommy-Daughter Day with #MAXIDREW #girlygoth

A post shared by Jessica Simpson (@jessicasimpson) on


Who knew a bit of lipstick could incite so much drama?

3.There’s a lovely reason why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle chose May 26 for their wedding date.

(Image via Getty.)

Anyone who's ever planned a wedding (and even those of us who haven't) knows you need at least a year to fit in all that planning, with many couples engaged for 18 months.

So when we found out Prince Harry and his fiancee Meghan Markle had chosen May - reported by some as May 26 specifically - we all wondered 'what's the rush?'

Well, according to one royal expert, Katie Nicholl, there's actually a lovely reason they've chosen to marry in May.

She says it's so that Prince Harry, who is close to his grandfather Prince Philip, could ensure the retired royal could attend, fit and healthy as possible.

Nicholl also suggests this is why St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle was chosen as the venue - it's the residence where the Queen and Prince Philip live most of the year.

4. "Family's tough": Ruby Rose publicly addresses her feud with Lisa Origliasso for the first time.

In case you haven't been following this "feud" - and let's face it, who can keep up with the sheer number of celebrity feuds? - I'll get you up to speed quick-smart.

Ruby Rose is dating Jess Origliasso, one-half of band the Veronicas and twin of Lisa Origliasso.


Last month, following the results of the same-sex marriage survey, Ruby Rose posted a tweet suggesting that Lisa was a hypocrite for celebrating the "yes" result, insinuating that Lisa had been less than supportive of her sister's sexuality in the past. Then, for good measure, she deleted the tweet, even though this is the Internet and everyone had already seen it. 

Speaking to Kyle and Jackie O today, however, Ruby Rose admitted that she was "emotional" when she wrote the tweet, and, given another opportunity, might have "handled herself differently".

"I was definitely frustrated at that situation," she confirmed.

"But, you know, everyone's good now and working through it, and that's what is important. Family's tough."

Onwards! (You can listen to the Out Loud team's debrief on that situation below.)

5. Just another example of Chrissy Teigen being great.

In case you haven't submitted to the cult that is Chrissy Teigan owning life, here's just reason number 957 why you should.

She's equal parts self-deprecating, fabulous, and her relationship with John Legend is legitimately hilarious. They're supportive, yet despite the mega fame, they keep each other down to earth.

Case in point...

Image via Instagram.

Now, while we're sure the intention behind John's Instagram was pure... the message is very touching, but the man needs to understand that it's a visual platform and picture quality matters.

Chrissy agreed and corrected him rightfully so.

Savage... but beautiful.

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