
News in 5: Zara Tindall's second miscarriage; PM's by-election reflections; Lombok quake kills 14.

– With AAP

1. Zara Tindall reveals that she suffered a second miscarriage before daughter Lena was born.

Zara Tindall has revealed she suffered a second miscarriage before the birth of her daughter Lena in June.

The Queen’s granddaughter has previously spoken about losing her pregnancy in December 2016, a few weeks after she and her husband Mike Tindall had shared the news they were expecting.

The 37-year-old has now told The Sunday Times she suffered a second miscarriage “really early on” before she fell pregnant with her daughter Lena late last year. Lena is the Tindalls’ second child. Their eldest daughter Mia was born in January 2014.

Both losses were hard on Princess Anne’s daughter, but the first one she had to go through with the public’s knowledge.

“We had to tell everyone and it’s like, everyone knows — that’s the hardest bit,” she told the UK newspaper.

“That’s why I think a lot of people don’t talk about it because [a miscarriage] can happen early enough or it’s only your group of friends and your family that know.”

She also shared that because her pregnancy was “so far along” she had to deliver her baby through labour for her body’s sake.

The loss she later suffered in 2017 she mourned without the support of the thousands who had sent her messages in 2016.

“I think a lot of the time you’re lucky if it happens a lot earlier,” she said.

“Because it’s so personal to each family and every case is different, you can never compare what’s happened or the feelings that people have gone through or the trauma. Every case is different, so I think it’s something that people don’t think you want to talk about.”


Zara told the newspaper that for her, initially she didn’t want to discuss her loss, but in time, she did.

Bec Sparrow speaks about the loss of her daughter Georgie.

2. Malcolm Turnbull says the Coalition will “humbly” return to drawing board after Super Saturday losses.


Malcolm Turnbull is “humbly” going back to the drawing board after losing two key by-elections to Labor, while Bill Shorten looks to press home his advantage.

The marginal Queensland seat of Longman and the Tasmanian seat of Braddon stayed in Labor hands, despite months of feverish campaigning.

“We will look very seriously and thoughtfully and humbly at the way in which the voters have responded,” the prime minister told reporters on Sunday.

Mr Turnbull says his party is still committed to corporate tax cuts, but he stopped short of promising to take the policy to the next election.

His opposition Mr Shorten said the by-elections were fought on the need to improve people’s lives.

“(If Mr Turnbull is) just going to keep offering us more of the same, well then I think he’ll pay an electoral price for that,” Mr Shorten told reporters.

“My candidates are more fair dinkum than their candidates, and my policies are more fair dinkum than their policies.”

Labor framed the by-elections as a choice between “hospitals and the big banks”, taking aim at the government’s plan to cut taxes for Australia’s biggest businesses.


The result in Longman also gives Labor hope it can win a significant number of seats in Queensland at the next federal election.

Susan Lamb’s win in the Queensland seat with an expected 54.5 per cent of the two-party preferred vote, came on the back of a One Nation drain of LNP votes.

A similar swing at a general election could topple senior government figures, including Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton.

Mr Turnbull said Labor had told “outrageous lies” about health cuts in Longman and he said the coalition had to counter that approach.

3. Inquest begins into the death of a refugee on Christmas Island in November 2015.


Stateless refugee Fazel Chegeni Nejad survived torture in Iran only to later die on Christmas Island.

An inquest into his death in November 2015 will begin today in the West Australian Coroner’s Court.

The National Justice Project, which is a not-for-profit legal service representing Mr Nejad’s family, says he was denied appropriate mental health care.

Lawyer George Newhouse said Mr Nejad told doctors in 2012 that unrest on Christmas Island depressed his mood, triggered his anxiety and caused mental health problems.

“Fazel became mentally ill as a result of his prolonged incarceration without proper diagnostic care,” Mr Newhouse said in a statement on Sunday.

“Our government knows that victims of torture should not be locked up like animals, but they ignored the warnings and poor Fazel’s desperate pleas for mental health support.”

Mr Newhouse said Mr Nejad was a quiet and gentle man, who was loved by his family and fellow refugees.

“Fazel’s family want to know who will be held accountable for his death.”

Mewanwhile, Queensland’s state coroner is due to release his inquest findings on an Iranian asylum seeker’s death after having an infected cut while in detention on Manus Island.


Hamid Khazaei, 24, died at Brisbane’s Mater Hospital in September 2014 after an ulcer on his left leg became infected on the Australian-run detention centre in Papua New Guinea. State Coroner Terry Ryan is scheduled to deliver his findings today.

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4. An earthquake in Lombok, Indonesia, has killed 14 people.

A powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake has struck the popular tourist island of Lombok in Indonesia killing 14 people and sending villagers fleeing from their beds into open fields to avoid collapsing buildings.


The quake, which rocked the island early on Sunday when many people were still asleep, injured 162 people and damaged thousands of houses.

Electricity was cut off in the worst-hit area, Sembalun, a sparsely populated area of rice paddies and the slopes of Mount Rinjani on the northern side of the island.

A 30-year-old Malaysian woman visiting Mount Rinjani, a popular trekking destination, was among those killed, said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, the disaster mitigation agency spokesman.

He said the area was temporarily closed to climbers because there were reports of landslides.

“People are gathering on the streets and empty fields to avoid collapsing buildings,” he said. “The main focus now is evacuation and rescue. Some of the injured are still being treated at clinics.”

An emergency tent was set up on a street in Sembalun to treat the injured because the local hospital was damaged, and those in a critical condition were taken to other hospitals.

“It happened so suddenly at around six in the morning. Suddenly everything simply collapsed,” said Siti Sumarni, a Sembalun resident. “My child was inside the house, thankfully he survived.”

Standing outside a green tent set up on a dusty field, she said nothing was left of her house.

Video footage showed ambulances lining the streets of Lombok and many houses damaged with only parts of brick walls standing.


A magnitude 6.4 earthquake is considered strong and is capable of causing severe damage.

The Lombok quake was only 7km deep, a shallow depth that would have amplified its effect.

5. School isn’t enough to prepare students for the real world, report says.

Image: Getty

Schools alone can't prepare young people for life after education, a new report says.

The Mitchell Institute at Victoria University claims that while some students get the benefit of industry mentoring and entrepreneurship programs, it's not the case for all students.


A report released on Monday found young people are spending longer in formal education, the current generation of school leavers are likely to have multiple careers, and the new work reality is education alone isn't enough to secure full-time work.

Institute director Megan O'Connell says some young people aren't connecting with the world of work until their twenties.

She believes something has to be done to ensure they have meaningful experiences and connections with people outside school and family networks.

The report suggests school and industry partnerships would smooth the transition from training to careers and help increase national productivity.

While vocational training courses offer industry training, participation rates are falling in favour of more academic-based university courses.

Ms O'Connell says barriers are preventing schools and industry partnerships.

"Currently there are complex administrative requirements getting in the way of the partnerships working - we need to do more to simplify these across the country," she said.

As well as real world learning programs embedded in school curriculums the report also recommends activities ranging from coding clubs to industry-run professional development workshops for teachers.

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