
How The Young Mummy put our Christmas shopping efforts to shame, while very pregnant.

There are few tasks in life that are as surprisingly difficult as shopping for Christmas.

It should be as simple as: choose, pay, leave, but somehow you find yourself in a rugby scrum on the 23rd of December with three other women and one pesky gift.

Australian blogger The Young Mummy has shared how she has avoided this classic trap with a truly remarkable personal best.

“Last night, I broke both a world record, and personal best. I played Santa and I COMPLETED my Christmas shopping in ONE night,” she wrote on Instagram.

The accompanying image shows Sophie Cachia standing in a department store laden with gifts.


Cachia said she managed to complete the task despite hating “every minute of playing Santa”.

“I am now defeated and need to attend the physio… but I did it. Up yours Santa. Up yours!”

Fans applauded the mother for managing to achieve the feat despite being heavily pregnant — about 30 weeks.

“Omg so jealous. I’ve got one week left until I pop out this baby and I have been thinking how am I gonna do my Christmas shopping with a new born and a five-year-old,” one fan wrote.

“I considered starting yesterday, but poured a glass of wine instead. Well done you,” another fan wrote.

The Young Mummy. (Source: Instagram.)

One follower explained how her pregnancy also forced her to start early.

"I'm due in three weeks, have been making lists for weeks. Slowly getting there but could only manage to pick up two lego sets yesterday. Then visit to Chiro. Wish I was much more efficient!" They wrote.

I wish I was half -- no, one third as efficient.

Feature image via Instagram @theyoungmummy.

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