
If you were born in the year of the pig, 2019 was apparently a bad year for you. Or so they say.


Just a note – we know that not everyone is on board with the astrology or Chinese zodiac shtick, and that’s completely okay. You do you.

For some, 2019 was a year like any other, however, if you were born after the Lunar (or Chinese) New Year in 1947, 1959, 1971,1983, 1995 and 2007, then apparently, you may not have had a good year.

And you can 100 per cent blame this on the Chinese zodiac.

According to traditional beliefs, each year corresponds with a zodiac animal – either a rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. There are 12 animals for a 12-year cycle.

When we complete a 12-year cycle and the animal that corresponds to the year we’re born in rolls around, you will apparently have bad luck. Fun!

This means for people born in the year of the pig, good things (probably) did not and will not happen from February 5, 2019, to January 24, 2020.

Now, using the powers of our magic crystal ball Chinese mythology, this is what your year was supposed to have looked like if you were born in the year of the pig.

Emphasis on the word, ‘supposed’.

An (almost) scientific guide to how each star sign approaches a problem at work. Post continues below.

Video by MMC

Previously speaking to MamamiaDoctor Xiaohuan Zhao (Huan) – an expert in Chinese literature from the University of Sydney – explained the folklore, adding that your ‘birth year’ makes you ‘more susceptible to certain misfortunes’.

“Traffic accidents could be one of them,” he said

“It could also be quite easy for you to fall ill, particularly in the area of your bowels, appendix and stomach – these are the physical problems.

“If you’re in love, then it is said that you need to be cautious because it’s likely for the relationship to fall apart. Financially too, the year could make you suffer the loss of money. If you run a business, then it’s said that your business could go bankrupt.”

Your year was also (maybe) littered with these inconveniences:


2019 was probably an expensive year for pigs, states Travel China Guide. While extra effort may have seen you get praise (and maybe a promotion) at work, June was apparently a particularly expensive month (mid-year sales).


Your luckiest months in terms of work and career were apparently February and March (in which your hard work most likely paid off).


July and August were noted as the most trying times of the year, with the latter month presenting the possibility of dismissal or redundancy.

“They could also encounter some adjustments at work which require them to learn some unfamiliar things in a short time,” wrote Travel China Guide.

Hopefully, none of the above came true.


It also looks as if it was a topsy-turvy year for romance.

Travel China Guide estimated that June and September didn’t do amazing things for your love life, bringing in “several quarrels” and conflicts.

They also wrote that couples would’ve apparently really needed to work on “maintaining a harmonious and passionate love,” in September. Despite this, they did advise that November (AKA now) could prove particularly fortuitous for your love life. Score.


Apart from potential ‘bowel, appendix and stomach’ issues, your mental health might have also been put to the test this year.

“Pigs will most likely experience many emotional ups and downs, making them feel frustrated and sad at times,” writes the good people at Chinese New Year.

Travel China Guide also added that the pig’s physical condition was most at threat in May.


December might also present a challenge in which “everything seems to be difficult”.

Oh, goodie.

But there was an upside to it all…

The traits commonly attributed to people born in the year of the pig are also the features which will benefit them during times of struggle, wrote Your Chinese Astrology.

“[They’re] frank, kind-hearted, resolute, having a strong sense of justice, open and aboveboard, and not bother about small matters,” they wrote.

They’re also resilient and optimistic, and it’s for this reason why Chinese New Year, advised them to “stick it out in situations if at all possible”.

“Familiarise yourself with possible oversights and improve upon them so you may take advantage of similar situations as they occur in the future,” they added.

And this is something to keep in mind as we power through the remaining months of the Lunar Year.

Now here’s the great news. Like with most things, the year of the pig will pass. Eventually.

You just have to wait until January 25, 2020, and then it’s choppy sailing for those born in the year of the rat.

We’ll see you on the flip side.

Does any of this relate to you? Tell us in a comment below.

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