
All the reasons Year 12 is exactly like being pregnant.

You know it’s coming, and you can’t wait for it to be over.

HSC, IB, QCE, WACE…and the list goes on. No matter where you live and whichever one you’re doing, year 12 spells one thing: HELL.

Since the early days of High School, those exams glower at you from afar.

For me, the HSC was just two very short years ago. And, if there was one piece of advice that offered me a moment of solace in a time that was otherwise chaotic, it was that doing Year 12 is like being pregnant.

A girl a few years ahead of me at my school shared this message with me halfway through completing my HSC.  It made so much sense and really put everything in perspective for me.

Year 12 is like being pregnant.
"No matter where you live and whichever one you’re doing, Year 12 spells one thing: HELL." (Image: Getty)

So as Year 12 students across the country start to prepare for their final exams, let us explain why they're basically pregnant right now.

You have nine months: Year 12 = nine months. Pregnancy = nine months. Bingo!

You should eat well and exercise regularly: Good health messages abound.

We all know you should eat well and exercise regularly, but you probably won't do either as much as you would like because eating your body weight in chocolate seems like one of the only things that will get you through.

And, after completing your final exams you are probably feeling a little squishier - don't worry, that's normal after you give birth.

You're carrying an increasingly heavy load: And it has a life of its own.

You will get morning sickness: The mornings of your final exams are usually the worst for this. But even before you reach the last stretch you've probably already experienced that feeling when your stomach tightens, your mind goes blank and you genuinely don't know how you'll get through a six-hour school day, or worse, a three-hour exam.

You get VIP treatment from your loved ones: This is an undeniable benefit of doing Year 12 and being pregnant.

Unpacking the dishwasher? Cooking Dinner? Washing clothes? Sorry, I can't.

"You're carrying an increasingly heavy load - and it has a life of its own." (Images: Getty)

You are always being given advice: I imagine when you're actually pregnant people are always offering you telling you their advice.  Much is the same with Year 12 - everywhere you go, your studies come up in conversation and everyone wants to put in their two cents of how they got through their Year 12. From changing up your study space to making sure you get enough sleep, it's advice we've all heard over and over and over again.

You need a balance: It's that word that asks you to fit your study, social life and sport all into one day, every day.

People say it is absolutely possible because you have as many hours in a day as Beyonce.

But this is definitely something that is easier said than done.

Mood swings are often: They are frequent, and they usually come with no warning. Sorry family!

Most importantly, no baby is better than the next: It is what you do with your ATAR that is important and not how it was born. Try to give it the best possible future you can and remember that what is right for one person is not always right for the next.

So for those of you about to sit your final exams, good luck!

Try to get this baby out with a minimum of screaming. Actually, scrap that. Scream, cry and just keep pushing...it's pretty normal when you're giving birth.

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