
24 'Would You Rather' questions to boggle your brain.


Would You Rather.

It’s way more than silly hypotheticals. It’s way more than a game you play after too many beers. It’s way more than a fun way to pass the time at little lunch.

Would You Rather is the ultimate test of human character. It lifts the curtain on the values we hold most dear and pushes our inner-most secrets onto centre stage.

A good set of Would You Rather questions is all you need to kick-start a marathon philosophical discussion of epic proportions. Also, it’s funny as shit.

We have carefully curated 24 Would You Rather questions designed to boggle your brain. Bookmark this page for the next time you really want to get to know a person.

Approach this gallery with the humour of a 7-year-old boy, if you will…


Got any more to add? Put them in comments or on Facebook and if they’re worthy, we’ll pop them in the gallery.





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