
Wedding guests share the most awkward speeches they've had to sit through.

When you have almost every person you know in the one room, fill it with an open bar and invite the odd guest to do a speech, controversy and the ruffling of feathers is almost inevitable.

Not even Pippa Middleton’s wedding was immune from a speech that took things too far. According to reports, the best man made a toast so crude, there were awkward silences.

“Now to the love of James’ life: beautiful, energetic, loyal, soft-mouthed, comes on command, great behind. But that is enough about Jame’s spaniel, Rafa, I’m here to talk about James’ love, Pippa,” Justin Johannsen reportedly said. Gulp.

pippa middleton haircut
James Matthews and Pippa Middleton. Source: Getty

Pippa and James aren't alone in this. Wedding guests on Reddit have shared some wild stories of bright and bold toasts.

For example, there were the stories that include the brutal testimonials from the father-of-the-groom.

"I was once at a wedding where the father of the groom gave a toast during an open 'anyone can get up to the mic"' part of the reception. I didn't know him well, but he seemed like a crotchety old man. He said, "I didn't like Jenna [the bride] when I first met her". The words were very matter-of-fact and he smiled politely after the sentence. I thought this was going to be the opening to a funny or sweet speech. Nope. He just walked away," one user wrote.

Another told the story of a joke that didn't quite land how it should've,

"He made fun of the bride and groom for meeting on Christian Mingle or some sh*t like that. It was pretty brutal. Really killed the mood," one wrote.

But what about the stories that end in the ultimate mic drop and the groom fleeing the scene? This, we feel, is where the real drama begins.

Oh dear. (iStock)

"I work as a banqueting chef and last year after the wedding had happened, vows said, rings exchanged and bellies filled with food and wine the groom stood to say the following:

"'Today I married the woman of my dreams and I'd like to thank her for everything she has done for me. I would also like to thank my best man, who has been f*cking her since we got engaged.' With that he mumbled a 'cheers', downed his champagne and got a taxi to the airport to start his honeymoon alone.


"It turns out he found out four months before the wedding and had told the father of the bride everything was costing more, he was writing cheques to cover his little girls special day and all the money went towards the grooms new life out of the country," one chef wrote.

Apparently cheating scandals exposed via wedding toasts aren't uncommon, either. One Reddit user wrote they once attended a wedding where the best man got up to speak before stopping and going off script.

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"He felt like a terrible friend for allowing the wedding to happen without telling him that the bride was having an affair with one of the groom's friends. 'She's a lying wh*re and I feel like I should have been a better friend by telling you sooner. I'm sorry bro. I'm so sorry,' [he said]. Then he cried."

It gets better, too. They ended up staying together.

And finally, what's better than a best man who has slept with the bride? And then tells everyone at the wedding all about it?

"At a wedding I went to recently, during his speech the best man went off on a super awkward tangent about how he lost his virginity to the bride and how he never would have guessed she'd end up with his best friend (the groom)."

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