
People are sharing the worst movies they’ve ever seen and WOW they’re bad.

There’s nothing better than seeing a really good movie on the big screen.

The action, the adventure, the crying into your popcorn while yelling out, “Meryl can do no wrong, SHE CAN DO NO WRONG.”

Having said that, it’s a special kind of hell when you fork out approximately $3398495 on a ticket for a movie that’s so bad, you want to poke your own eyes out with your choc top.

Today I stumbled upon a Twitter thread of people sharing the worst movies they’ve ever paid for. Inspired, I asked my Mamamia colleagues exactly what sh**ty movies they had watched in the past and boy, there were some doozies.

Here’s a round up of the crappiest, crappy, crap crap movies people have ever paid good money for:


“I went to the premiere of Glitter and still considered walking out and I’m the biggest Mariah Carey fan on the planet.” – Polly.

2. Central Intelligence

“I went to the toilet three times throughout and I didn’t even care.” – Amy

3. Jaws, The Revenge


4. Meet Dave

“I watched it with a friend and I have no clue why. It stars Eddie Murphy as the leader of a race of tiny aliens who climb inside a robot/ship/machine shaped like a life-size Eddie Murphy. It is as ridiculous as it sounds.” – Jessica

5. Marci X


6. Super Troopers 2


7. Murder on the Orient Express

“We walked out halfway through, it was so boring. Also, seeing Johnny Depp’s face made me angry.” – Michelle

8. Eyes Wide Shut

9. Mother!


10. The Village

“The ending was so underwhelming. It should have been about monsters but in the end there were NO MONSTERS!” – Saengtip

11. Stuck on You

“WHY did this movie need to exist though?” – Camilla.

12. Movie 43


13. Forever Young


14. Snatched

“I think it was called Captured or Kidnapped or something. It was really bad.” – Luca

15. Wanted

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