
The worst email mistake you can make, according to experts.

New research courtesy of email management service Boomerang has revealed the biggest mistake you can make when it comes to sending an email.

It is estimated that 200 billion emails are sent worldwide everyday, with the average office worker sending and receiving 120 emails a day.

You’d be forgiven for thinking the worst mistake you can make is accidentally sending an email whinging about Emily to Emily.

Or selecting “reply-all” to an email thread with 180 people in it.

But, nope – after examining 250,000 emails, Boomerang found the most sure-fire way to have your email ignored is to have a spelling or grammatical error in the subject line.

It is five per cent less likely that your email will even be opened if the recipient can spot a mistake.

Image via iStock.

The leading error was not capitalising the first letter in the subject line.

These emails only received a response 28.4 per cent of the time, 13 per cent less than if the capital letter was in the correct place.


And the day of the week you're most likely to let a mistake slip through? Unsurprisingly, it's Mondays.

Image via Boomerang.

Fridays also see a spike in errors, given that by 3pm everyone is desperately trying to get drunk. (Note: That is purely conjecture - it is not included in the study.)

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