
Twitter shares the worst Christmas presents ever received and they're... appalling.


Christmas is done and dusted for another year and if there’s one certainty in life it’s that you definitely probably received an uh, shall we say, crappy unwanted present… probably from your second cousin twice removed who you only vaguely remember spending summer in a kid’s pool with 15 years ago.

By now you’ve likely mastered the art of fake smiling with glee as you somehow exhale in a high-pitched voice, “Wow! I didn’t even know these existed/Thank you, how did you know I needed more towels for the home!/Oh, yes a gym membership… just what I always wanted…” as you try and avoid eye contact with Aunt Linda in case you accidentally blurt out your true feelings.

Look, finding the perfect present for someone is a downright difficult task and really, with presents we all know it’s the thought that counts. But then again, some presents are so extremely thoughtless, wholly inappropriate, an obvious regift or clearly the last thing on the shelf at 12am on Christmas Eve, that you cannot help but think you’d really prefer nothing at all.

But if you’re still staring at the stash of pressies taking up the precious space in the corner of your room, wondering if it’s bad karma to immediately take them to the op shop (yes, it is, everyone knows you keep unwanted gifts in a drawer until you do a spring clean in three year’s time), spare a thought for these Twitter users, who may actually have received the worst Christmas presents of all time.










What’s the worst Christmas present you’ve ever received? Let us know in the comments. 

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