
The world's oldest woman has a very surprising secret for longevity.

Emma Morano has had more birthdays than literally any other human being on the planet.

The world’s oldest person, and the only one born in the 1800s, celebrated her 117th birthday yesterday with more than one cake, a room full of journalists, photographers and relatives, as well as a world of well-wishers watching on.

Emma assumed her title last year after Susannah Mushatt Jones, a New York woman several months her senior, passed away.

Her birthday celebrations were broadcast live on Italian television from her crammed two-bedroom apartment in the small seaside town of Pallanza in northern Italy.

Primary school students sent her cards and even the President, Sergio Mattarella, wished her a happy birthday on behalf of his countrymen.

“She’s very, very happy,” her niece Maria Antonietta Sala told the New York Times.

Two years ago, when she was a sprightly 115, Morano also shared the secret to her longevity with the NYT, putting it down to two factors.


Emma Morano has a few tips for staying young. Image via Getty

The first was, er, eating three raw eggs every single day since she was was teenager. The second, however, is one that has us cheering: Her independence.

Morano was 38-years-old when she left an unhappy marriage following the death of her infant son and has never remarried, despite having plenty of suitors.

She was also somewhat a pioneer, divorcing her husband 40 years before it became legal to do so in Italy in 1970.

Her other tricks? Drinking brandy, and getting to bed early.

Happy birthday!

Need a last minute cake? Monique Bowley has you covered:

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