People tell you it’s hard. They say, 'Wait until you have kids. Everything changes.' And they’re right. It does. But not in the way you think.
It’s easy to see that your life after kids' may lack spontaneity.
That you may not go for cocktails on Friday just because, or take a holiday that involves scooting across the Greek islands, or have a long lunch with your friends on the weekend.
That’s all easy to see from the outside. It’s expected. And it’s okay because you’re ready (at least you think you are). You’ve thought about this. You’ve done all the 'right things'. You’re in a stable relationship, you’ve got a lovely home, and you’ve built a good career.
You’ve had your fun, your wild years. You’ve done your travels. Now, you’re ready for something different.
Watch: The horoscopes as new mums. Post continues below.
So, when you see people going for dinners in nice clothes and you’re at home trying to reconcile this new postpartum body with the one you used to know, it feels strange and lonely, but it’s okay because you knew.
You knew that nice dinners and lunches out and girls' weekends weren’t in the plan for this season of your life.
You knew that there would be sleepless nights and days where caffeine and Instagram were the only things that got you through. And it’s good.
It’s so much more than you could have imagined. There are scrunched-up little fingers, tiny baby sneezes, first smiles, first sounds, first times rolling over, sitting, crawling, eating!