We have good news and we have bad news. The good news is the Government wants your boss to let you work from home. The bad news is The Circle was axed and Oprah is no longer on TV which means you may actually be tempted to, you know, work from home. Dammit.
This week is National Telework Week. Wait, what? That’s right. A whole week dedicated to encouraging employers to let more of their staff work from home in their pyjamas while they check Facebook and order shit they don’t need online.
Interestingly, there are benefits to this gig for both the employer and the employee. Staff who are permitted to work from home (or a cafe or, er, the treadmill at the gym …) report greater feelings of work/life balance, less stress and more job satisfaction.
Employers on the other hand save on office costs and their teleworkers tend to have a higher productivity rate than their office-based counterparts. Who knew?
Welcome to my typical work day.
I’m writing this from bed. It’s 10am, my laptop is on my lap and somewhere in the background a male morning TV host is making jokes about waxing his chest. My 9-month-old Fin is asleep. And I’m drinking tea while I edit a story for Mamamia.(A process my friend Kim calls “bediting” … ).
I’ve been working from home pretty much exclusively for the past 12 years. And I love it. Big L, love it.
With two little kids who see me as their own personal Sherpa, I can choose to do the bulk of my work on the hemlines of the day. Early mornings when the house is quiet and my mind is crispy fresh. Or late at night when I’ve chosen to spend the day playing Princess Shops and making Gingerbread biscuits.