Okay, maybe I spend all day in my pjs. But I work harder than I ever have in my life.
When I say I work at home, I can see the look in people’s eyes. It goes something like this: You’re-just-a-slacker-who-
I wish I could tell the truth, but I don’t bother because I know everyone thinks working at home is code for doing sweet fanny adams in your PJs all day.
So for all the doubters out there, here are a few truths about being a work-at-home mum.
1. You will work harder than you’ve ever worked in your life.
If you’ve ever had to fit client work around a toddler’s schedule, you’ll know it’s not for the faint-hearted.
You will juggle emails while making dinner. Write with music blaring in the background. Get up at 4.30am to finish urgent work. And you will do all of this for less pay and fewer benefits than you enjoyed in a previous life.
Just sayin’.
2. You will envy people who work in an office.
Not only do they get to hang with adults, they can enjoy their lunch in peace and maybe write an email or two without a little one trying to hammer on the keyboard.
They get to wear decent clothes that don’t have food stains on them. And after all that, they get to go to Friday drinks.
Jealous doesn’t quite cover it.
3. You will feel conflicted.
No matter how good your childcare is or how determined you are to work only during nap times, in my experience, something has to give.
For me (and I suspect for many others), it tends to be housework. And I won’t lie. Cooking dinner sometimes falls by the wayside too.
It’s not a bad compromise most of the time, but you will question your priorities when you’re getting dressed out of the laundry basket for the third day in a row. Unless you have plenty of help at home, you need to learn to live with a laundry pile that deserves its own postcode.