‘Wisdom’ is one of those words I avoid.
Mainly because it seems so big. Like ’empowerment’, ‘inspiration’ and ‘washing my hair every day’, wisdom is a concept that simply isn’t something I’m going to master in this lifetime. Wisdom is what others strive for and attain but is something that for me, will always be just that little bit out of reach.
Now, all that being said, I’m a sucker for some wisdom. I take pleasure in sharing the wisdom of others with the world through obsessive social media posting. I enjoy watching TED talks and nodding along with the wisdom-filled thoughts of others. I will regularly stop a friend mid-conversation and say “Hold on, that’s gold, I need to write that down’.
So while I myself am not a possessor of great wisdom, I like to think I appreciate it.
Like I appreciate a fine wine. Or any wine, actually.
And when in need of words of wisdom, my first port of call is almost always two women, who I work with every day; Mia Freedman and Rebecca Sparrow. Both of these women are writers; clever, irreverent, and goddamn ferocious with a pen (okay not a pen, a MacBook Pro – who uses pens anymore, eh?) They’re also wives, mothers and friends; kind, generous and defiant in always putting the people they love first.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this series of posts is sponsored by Pandora. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.
I could gush about them for days but I know that’s not what you’re here for. You’re sitting there thinking ‘show me the money Jam, stop with your platitudes and let me in on the Wise Words of Wisdom these ladies imparted to you. Stop keeping them all to yourself you selfish snoot’.
Well, what I lack in wisdom I make up for in generosity. So here you have it friends, two ‘Ahah’ moments that I have had recently courtesy of the most Oprah-esque ladies in my life.