When I was pregnant with my first daughter, maternity leave seemed like a glorious, endless holiday just on the horizon. Fast forward 12 months and it wasn’t just the hardest year of my life, it was rapidly coming to an end.
In a heartbeat it was time for me to go back to work.
That transition was rough, mostly because I wasn’t prepared. Extremely out of character for me as a consistent researcher and planner. I read What to Expect When You’re Expecting cover to cover, brushed up on children's first aid training, attended every parenting class and birth seminar. But somehow the tiny human being in my care had a way of distracting me right through maternity leave, to the point that I just didn’t think about going back to work.
With hindsight (and a second child/return to work under my belt) there’s plenty I’d change to improve the experience, and I know I’m not alone.
Every day 370 new mums return to work*. So, I asked my favourite parents' group, the internet, a question: what do you wish you'd known about going back to work after parental leave?
I heard from teachers, business owners, hospitality workers, lawyers, nurses, government workers and private sector consultants.
Here’s exactly what they had to say.
You are going to feel guilty at first, and that’s ok.
Sally, mum of two, Teacher
You *will* feel a raging guilt in the lead up to and after the first few drop-offs. I cried in the car park too. Talking to other mums, I now see this guilt is widespread, and I’m trying to acknowledge it and actively let it go.