real life

Two women are about to catch their cheating husbands. But there's a twist.

You may or may not have heard of a little Netflix show called Grace and Frankie.

It stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, and centres on the friendship between two women who are forced to unite when their husbands – who are also business partners – announce they are in love and plan to marry.

While not an entirely ridiculous notion, the tale of two wives whose husbands leave them for each other is one we regularly file under ‘fiction’. Until now.

grace and frankie
It's just like Grace and Frankie... but real. Image via Netflix.

You see, while waiting to board a flight, filmmaker and writer BJ Colangelo overheard two women who were on their way to bust their husbands cheating... together.

Naturally, because it's 2017 and nothing is sacred, she decided to live-tweet the entire interaction.



The women begin by discussing their dismay that their husbands can't live honestly - "I don't care if they're gay...I care they lie" - before they order a round of shots.

This is where the fun begins.

LISTEN: This woman's ex husband is now cheating on his mistress with another girlfriend. Should she whistleblow or walk away?

One woman - who earns herself the nickname 'shot lady' from BJ - reveals her daughter's boyfriend once held suspicions her husband might be gay.


The pair then discuss Halloween, and show off pictures of their grandchildren all dressed up. One woman remarks their husbands "should have dressed as Bert and Ernie".

Then, they look at pictures of baby hippos. Because, when you're faced with infidelity, sometimes a chubby, infant animal is the only thing that can cheer you up.

One of the ladies is fighting back tears, telling her new best friend the other, "I'm so glad you still have a sense of humour".



As the women prepare for their flight, their friendship is cemented.


The story ended with a dire warning for the men at the centre of the sordid tale:


The tweets, which have been re-tweeted and liked thousands of time, have sparked the curiosity of the Internet, with many readers now desperate to know the outcome of the trip.



Here's hoping we get a sequel resolution sometime soon... Until then, we're glad to see the sisterhood is still alive and well.

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