true crime

Three other women have disappeared from the same area jogger Sherri Papini did.


While police continue to investigate “supermom” Sherri Papini‘s mysterious 22-day disappearance, another three women are currently missing in the same region of California.

Within a two month period, Amy Snow, 25, Jessica Roggenkamp, 44 and Stacey Smart, 52, all vanished from communities within three hours drive of Redding, where Papini was allegedly kidnapped while jogging in November.

Unlike the 34-year-old mother-of-three, who was found bound on the side of the road on Thanksgiving, none of the other women have been located.

Sherri Papini was not seen for three weeks. Image via Facebook

The four cases have not been linked by authorities, but members of the public and local news outlets have pointed out several striking similarities between them, according to

Aside from their geographical closeness, bizarrely, each of the women also has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Stacey Smart, who lives around 40 kilometres away from Papini in the nearby town of Lewiston was also reported missing on the same day, November 2.

Stacey Smart was reported missing on the same day as Sherri Papini. Image via Trinity County Sheriff’s Office

Her daughter, Nichole Santos-Hamann, who contacted the police, had not spoken to her since October, however.

The second woman, Amy Snow, was reported missing by her mother on December 1 after leaving her home in Salyer, around three hours from Redding and two from Lewiston.

Numerous searches of the surrounding areas, including hospitals, have turned up no traces of her, The Trinity Journal reported.

Amy Snow. Image via Facebook

Finally, Jessica Roggenkamp, was also reported missing by her mother on December 12.

She was last seen two days earlier, by a pair of motorists who told police they stopped to help her change a tyre.

Roggenkamp had told them she was on here way to a party in Harrison Gulch, a popular camping and hiking area, the men said.

Whether she made it is unknown, but her burned out Ford Mustang was found abandoned in a remote area of Trinity County on December 11.

Police said there was no sign of foul play at the scene, but also no clues as to Roggenkamp's whereabouts.

Meanwhile, details of Papini's alleged ordeal remain shrouded in mystery, but her husband, Keith, revealed she is still recovering after being found "branded" and "covered in multicoloured bruises, severe burns, red rashes and chain markings".

“Sherri may be free, but she is still haunted by the abduction," he told America's ABC News in December.

“It’s not just a long road, it’s something we’re never going to forget.”

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