I feel extremely overwhelmed starting this piece of writing. I fear red hot lasers may shoot from my fingertips and melt my precious Macbook. I fear I may not cover all points intelligently and succinctly enough. I want to write it so well, I want you to all read this and have it ignite a fire within and perhaps change a few minds but I fear it may all turn into a steaming pile of ranty poo.
I will open proceedings with the following statement: I love comedy. I am a comedy nerd. I hang out with comedians. I work with comedians I’m a “gag hag” if you will.
I especially love female comedians.
Let me reel off some of my favourite gals:
I know I will have missed some brilliant ladies, there are so many.
So we’ve established I feel overwhelmed at what I am about to tackle and that I love comedians of the female persuasion.
Deep breath Em.
When I hear a man say “I don’t find women funny” or “Women can’t be funny” I am filled with a red hot rage that burns like the heat of 1000 suns in the depths of hell. Shamefully enough, on the odd occasion, I have also heard a woman say “I just don’t think women can be funny.”
Last night on Twitter I found myself ranting Kanye style after a male colleague stated there were no funny females IN THE WORLD. Big call.
What followed were mostly tweets of disgust from my followers at his statement but what also cropped up was some of my male followers saying that all female comics talk about is menstruation, men and mothering.
I’m not kidding.