real life

Woman slices tattoo of ex-boyfriend's name out of her arm... Then takes this photo.


Torz Reynolds: Definitely not Chopper’s Bitch anymore.





Okay, before you even start reading this story, I need to warn you that it is beyond intense.

If you’re still with me, make sure you’re sitting down. Let’s do this together.

Here we go…

Two epic break-up stories have made news this week, and I can’t decide which was the more dramatic (and disturbing) end to a relationship. How about I just put them to you so you can decide?

First up:


The woman who took a scalpel and sliced off the tattoo of her boyfriend’s name, before putting it in a jar, tying it with a ribbon and having it delivered to his home.

Torz Reynolds, 26, found out that her boyfriend Chopper (I’m not making this up) was cheating on her, and the only obvious and completely sane next step was to literally cut him out of her life. With numbing spray, a scalpel and some tweezers.

In what I’m assuming seemed like a totally romantic idea at the time, Torz had ‘Chopper’s Bitch’ tattooed on her forearm, no doubt in an attempt to make sure everybody knew she was Chopper’s bitch:

Unfortunately, when Chopper found himself a new bitch, Torz was left with the awkward task of having to explain to people that she was, in fact, no longer Chopper’s bitch. So she cut the tattoo off and sent it to Chopper in a glass jar filled with plastic vampire teeth. Obviously.


Now, I have the pictures for you to look at. But WARNING WARNING WARNING they are freaking gross. This girl cut off her tattoo and put it in a jar people, so it is graphic.

If you want to see the pictures (which I know you do, you sickos), I have put them on a separate page so you have to click right here. But seriously: NSFW x 100.

Okay, how are you feeling? We’re almost there. Here’s this week’s weird break-up number two:


The woman who went through her boyfriend’s phone and discovered a video of him having sex with her dog.

Seriously. Wayne Bryson, 19, is facing jail after his (now ex, obviously) took the footage to the police. The Daily Mail reported that he admitted to the assault in court, but felt it important to point out that it only happened once, you guys.

Bryson was released on bail pending sentencing (he faces up to two years in prison), and despite the fact it was definitely only a one time thing and he’s totally not a weirdo pervert, he’s not allowed to be left alone with any animals for the forseeable future. Seems fair.

So that’s it. It’s been a disturbing week for break-ups.

Um… I’m not quite sure what to say now. I feel like we just went through something kind of big together.

Happy Monday?



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