
Meet the woman who is selling tickets to her child's birth.

Yep. Tickets to the birth have sold out. Just like a One Direction concert.




There is a woman in the UK who is selling tickets to the birth of her first child, and I get it, I really do.

Yep. Josie Cunningham has reportedly sold four tickets to her child’s birth – two £10,000 tickets to journalists allowing them to film the birth, and two £5,000 tickets to people who can watch but not film.

(Just FYI – £10,000 is around $16,000 AUD.)

While I don’t have anything in common with Josie Cunningham, who is so desperate for fame that she wanted to abort her son because being pregnant meant she couldn’t go into the Big Brother house,  I say go ahead and have a bunch of strangers in the birthing suite with you sweetheart, because I did exactly that.

I didn’t sell tickets, nor did I plan for there to be 10 people huddled around watching the to the birth of my daughter.

It just kind of happened.

Josie Cunningham

My waters broke in the middle of the night, and to speed through the gory details, I found myself in the labour ward being told I was going to give birth in the next 45 minutes… completely drug free. I begged the nurses for an epidural but they said, it was too late and that the baby was coming NOW. I sucked the life out of the gas – but here’s a tip for anyone planning a natural birth with gas, IT DOESN’T DO ANYTHING. Its only use is the mouthpiece turns into something that you can bite down on to kinda, sorta, not really get through contractions. Well, until the nurses realise you’re doing it, and take it away from you.


After what seemed like an eternity (it was 30 minutes) I gave birth, came to, and looked around the room to see a bunch of people I’d never met before. One came over and said, ‘Thanks so much for letting me be a part of your birth experience.’ I feigned a smile, turned to my mum, and mouthed, ‘Who the f**k is that?’

So delirious from the pain, I had apparently consented to having a room full of medical students in the labour ward with me. If you opt for drugs or to go solo, you’re in such a weird state that you don’t care what anyone in the near vicinity is doing, you just want that baby out of your vag STAT.

So Josie Cunningham I don’t agree with anything else you’re doing, but you go right ahead and have whoever the hell you want in the birthing suite, because you’re not going to remember any of it. Well… considering two of the people who paid 10,000 British pounds for tickets are journalists filming it, maybe you will…

Would you ever pay money to see that? And if you have given birth who did you have in the labour ward with you?

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