
Woman faints after accidentally breaking a bracelet worth almost $60,000.

Think back to your worst shopping experience and prepare to gain some perspective, because we’re willing to bet it was nothing compared to this woman’s bad day.

A tourist was perusing the jewellery at a jade market in Ruili City, China when she tried on and accidentally broke a bracelet worth around $AUD58,000 (300,000 yuan).

The People’s Daily Online reports the bracelet – made from the green rock considered precious in China – slipped from the woman’s hand and fell to the ground, snapping in half.

Footage captured the moment the woman learned the price of the bracelet she just broke – and promptly fainted.

The concept “you break it, you buy it” has never seemed so terrifying.

According to a witness, the family offered to pay the seller 70,000 yuan (AUD$13,500) but he refused, saying it was not enough.

However, People’s Daily reports an expert determined the bracelet was worth 180,000 yuan (AUD$34,600) and the family agreed to pay.

We’re guessing in future the woman will be very careful to learn the value of items before she tries them on.

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