
The priceless look on a mum's face when she's told she gave birth to a boy.

Koto Nakamura is a Tasmanian mum, who invited local photographer Jes Jackson to capture her labour and the birth of her daughter.

Only thing was, Koto didn’t have a daughter, she had a son.

TFW, right?

Jes Jackson shared this photo on her Instagram account a week ago.

“The priceless loo, on a mamas face who was told she was having a baby girl but received a baby boy!! Talk about a big surprise!! Any one else get a surprise like this at birth?”


A dear friend of mine is a father of five children.

When his wife was pregnant with their fourth child, they were delighted to learn they were having a boy, as their eldest three were girls.

And at the time of their 20 week scan, I remember laughing and telling him that if it turned out to be a girl, I would laugh and laugh.

And you can guess the outcome, right?

He is a father of five daughters. Yeah, he’s not that thrilled about the prospect having of five teenage girls at home.

To be fair, while very reliable, sonographers don’t always get the sex of a baby correct. Up to 5% of ultrasound reports on a baby’s sex are incorrect. It all depends on just how good a view of the baby’s perineum an ultrasound technician can get.

But at 95%, you would think your chances of having what you’re told you’re going to have are pretty high.


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